It's a secret

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Jin POV: I'm glad I'm outside with my Maknae best friend, we're at the mall right now looking for whatever we like to buy. I told Jungkook to go buy something he likes, he comes back to me with a lot of unknown things. I said"Jungkookie..what's in that bag? Can I see?" I tried reaching for the bag but he quickly moved it away. He said"'s not for you to see. It's a surprise actually. I don't like ruining surprises. Me and you both know that." I smiled and shrugged my shoulder, I walked around the to see what I can. Then I found the perfect thing to buy.


I see Jungkook standing at the entrance looking through his phone, I walk up to him and his eyes widen open. I had 7 bags full of pink and white teddy bears for me and the others, I know I said perfect thing but I meant perfect thingS! He looked at the bags. And then looked at me and laughed. He said"Is that for us Jin? You know you can't spoil us kids!" I laughed as well and said"Well I love you guys and I thought buying these cute little bears would be nice for us. I didn't spend all my money on bears for nothing Jungkookie! Let's go home." Me and Jungkook went back home, when we arrived to the front door it was surprisingly opened. I said"Hello?? Guys why is the door opened??" I heard some whispering going on, me and Jungkook walked inside and dropped the bags. I walked through the house looking for the others. Usually they would be in their rooms. Probably down in the basement. As I walked to the basement I heard a creak and then everything went black...

I opened my eyes a bit and see a very bright light, and I see six faces standing above me. I opened my eyes even more and said"Wh-what happened??" I got up a little bit and felt a stinging pain in my nose, I touched it and felt blood go down my mouth and some on the floor. Well..I'm bending down a bit maybe that's why there is blood. I stood up on my feet, balance a bit uneasy but good. I looked down and saw a boxer glove on the ground attached to a stick. So I said"Alright who the hell did this??" They had scared looks on their faces and Jimin said"Oh my gosh...Jin-hyung I'm very sorry about this..." I shook my head in disappointment, but felt dizzy after doing that. I stumbled a bit and Jimin caught me from falling, he said"Woah Jin. Careful. That hit was pretty hard, I think you need to lay down. Well first clean yourself up and then lay down. Need help with the first one?" He snickered a bit and my face turned red and I growled a bit at him and pushed him away then I fell on my ass. It hurts a lot. But not as much as my nose does. I tried to get up but fell again, Jimin helped me up this time and put my arm around his shoulder. He helped me walked to my room and said to the others"Don't worry guys. He'll be fine. He just needs to lay down." They nodded their heads and went back to whatever they were doing before. As Jimin walked me to my room he closed the door and put me on my bed. The room stopped spinning finally and I wasn't so dizzy. I feel okay but in pain. He sat down on my bed and started undressing me, I said"Wait what the hell are you doing??" He chuckled and said"Getting you into comfortable clothes? Duh!" I stayed calm and let him undress me. He first took off my black shirt, and then he took off my shoes and socks. Next he took off my black jeans. I saw him lick his lips because he saw me in my boxers. I clenched the bed and bit my lip. I was scared and nervous. He got up and locked my door. I wanted to ask why but my words wouldn't come out. He sat back down on the bed and started licking my nipples, I squirmed a bit and then accidentally let out a moan. He looked at me smirking. After that I got an erection. I got up and tried to unlock the door but Jimin pulled me to his lap and wrapped my legs around him. My face got red as a tomato. He looked down at the erection I had and pulled my dick out of my boxers, it was wet and dripping with precum too. He put his hand around it and started jerking me off, I wanted to moan but the other members were still around. I dug my nails into Jimin's shirt, I couldn't help but just let out a moan. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just started to become a moaning mess, the members are gonna hear me and I'm scared I might get caught. We're not supposed to have this type of interaction with our members, or seduce them, or even have sex with them at that point.

For some reason this feels so good. I thought I was straight but I'm not. I always wondered why I couldn't fall in love with girls. I did once but it didn't go well. When I had sex with her I felt uninterested to even fully cum inside her. So I'm like fuck it I'm done. We broke up after we had sex. And I didn't feel anything afterwards. I just didn't care. But now since I'm getting jerked off by Jimin it feels more than good. It feels amazing and so breathtaking. I felt my stomach tighten as I can feel myself getting close to my climax. I dug my nails into Jimin's shirt even deeper as I felt myself almost cumming. I said"A-ah~! J-jimin-ssi!! I'm...I'm gonna! AHH~!" I came so much it was all over his hand and our laps. I was breathing so hard. Jimin looked at me and I turned away from. He put his fingers in my mouth, it still had my cum on it. He was making me suck his fingers to get the cum off. He said to me"Be a good boy. And don't tell no one.

It's a secret~"

I can never forgive myself...

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