Jungkook's Childhood (I actually cried while writing this. FEELS WARNING!!)

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Jungkook POV: I sighed and rolled back my hair which flopped back in place. I said"I had a very bad childhood. My dad was always abusive and he always drank a lot. I remember when I was 7 my dad beat the living crap out of me and my brother because we were both gay. My dad was drunk that day. And there was my mom. Awfully sick as hell. She was real skinny like a stick and was pale as fuck. She hardly did anything. She never went out. She never spoke. She never did anything. As we were getting older that's when she got sickly ill. My dad blamed me for my mother's sickness. I was angry and I didn't do anything. My brother didn't do anything either. He beat me and him. Knowing that we're both grown we still have bruises from when we were kids. As I grew older I was at school and I got called to the principals office. He looked at me with a sad face and said my mother has died. How did he know? Our neighbor next door Ms. Flower saw her body get taken away to the funeral home. When I heard the news I cried so hard on the way home after school. My bother heard the news too and he cried as well. I was in middle school and he was in high school. We both got the same story from our principals. Our dad got drunker than ever and blamed us both for the death of our mother. When it was her funeral I saw a picture of her when she was beautiful and healthy. Hell..my mom was a beautiful women. She did a lot. She went through hell with this man. I couldn't stop crying. Tears were just pouring right out of me. When we got home dad blamed me more than my brother. I grew so angry I wanted to kill my dad. The more he kept on doing everything to me the more I had the word murder in my mind. I tried to kill my dad when he was asleep. But what was holding me back was my mother. Her sweet words and gentle touch held me back from trying to hurt him. She wants me to keep moving on. Since I'm grown now that's been happening to me a lot. That's why I couldn't go so far to kill you guys because sometimes you guys remind me of her. But then just having that flashback of my dad blaming me and hurting me for nothing! I lost it...I lost it all Jimin...i lost it all..." Tears ran down my face nonstop. I couldn't stop crying. Then I saw Jimin crying. I've been holding back my tears because I thought crying wasn't enough for me. Jimin hugged me real tightly and said"Jungkookie!! I-i'm so sorry you had to go through that horrible childhood...if we could've known what was going on with you...we would've been there for you..." I cried so hard I couldn't stop. Then I heard other sniffles. I looked around to see who it was. No one was at my door. I looked down and saw the word group chat call in Jimin's phone. I said"J-jimin...did you call the others...?" He looked at me with teary eyes and said"yes..before you even started talking i wanted them to hear this..." I heard a breaking voice and it was from Namjoon:

Namjoon: Jungkook...we love you so much...we didn't you know you had to go through that...w-we didn't know you were in so much pain from the past...

Yoongi: Kookie...your a psychopathic bitch but goddammit I still love you for the way you are! You'll always be my best bud and you'll always be Bangtan...! You hear me kid?!

Taehyung: dammit jungkookie...your such a strong Maknae... I-i'm so proud of you for keep on going even though you were suffering...

Jin: no one should not have to suffer such awfulness like that...no one...if you suffer we'll suffer with you...

Hoseok: yeah...your not alone kookie...even though your over there we're not replacing you with no one!! we're not gonna forget you in a flash...you'll always be in our hearts...


Everyone started crying. Especially me. I was crying so hard I screamed. I said"I love you guys so damn much!! You all remind me so much of my mother. The way you talk to me and give me gentle touches and love her spirit and your's are always gonna be with me...even till death too...!!" I would not stop crying my eyes out, letting out so much pain and sadness makes me feel better. I told Jimin"I wanna smile but I have to cry. I may not have been able to get joy in my childhood but I never knew I was so strong to make it through those painful years with my dad. And look at me now...I'm still alive. I'm healthy. I'm pushing. I'm strong enough to go through the pain knowing that I'm actually suffering and hurting. I can finally cry without feeling ashamed of crying. For these past few weeks I have never once shed a single tear. But now I'm shedding more than a tear. And that's okay because I have someone to cry with me. But honestly Jimin there were times I have secretly cried myself to sleep. Those sounds you hear at night. It's me. I'm the one making those sounds. Softly crying myself to sleep. Thinking about my horrible past. When I first became BTS you guys looked so loving and heartwarming. You guys looked like family. You guys sometimes treat me like a kid because I'm a Maknae, but I like it because I forgot what it felt like to be loved again. I never received so much love before. BTS...is my family...loving and caring. So heartwarming and perfect. You guys are the best people I have ever met. Will BTS stay forever?" Even more tears ran down my face. I'm thinking about the good times we had together, all the funny moments, sad moments and heartwarming moments we all had together. And there were moments where we just loved each other so much we cry, I remember Taehyung wrote a letter to Jimin of how much he loves him. The story touched our hearts and it made Taehyung cry. That shows how much we love each other. That's a memory that will stay in my head forever. I will never forget Bangtan...Jimin looked at me and kissed me. Then he broke off the kiss. He said"Jungkook...if you love Jin. Then I love you too..."

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