Please Be Okay Jess

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Adam's P.O.V

We all ran to Max's unconscious body, "Max? MAX?!" I cried. He still wasn't waking up. I was close to tears. Barney grabbed my hand "He wills wakes ups. Don'ts worries Adams." I pushed his hand away from me. I grabbed Max's hand. It was cold. His head was bleeding. His eyes slowly opened. "MAX!" I cried in happiness and hugged him. "What happened before?" Em asked. He looked down. "It's Jess" I froze. As a tear rolled down my face I had but courage to speak. "W-what a-a-about h-her?" He looked into my eyes as he was crying and slowly spat out words "S-she... Was in... A c-car accident..." Everything froze around me. A million questions filled my mind. Slowly, Max's cold hand grabbed hold of mine. He pulled me in close. At first I thought he was going to hug me. But he stood up then helped me up, kept hold of my hand, and ran.

Max's P.O.V

I needed to get out of the office and I couldn't go alone. I held Adam's hand with a firm grip. I ran to the car park. "Max?" Adam finally spoke. But i was lost. He leaned in close grabbing both of my hands. "I know its hard. We all love Jess. But please. Do you know if she okay?" I stared deep into his ocean blue eyes. "Ross said she is in critical pain but she will survive. Even if that means she has to be in a coma." It was hard for me to talk about Jess being in a coma then Adam took me to his car. "Lets go to the hospital to visit her."

While Adam was driving my phone began to ring. This time from Jason.

Phone call

M - Hey Jason... How are you and hows Joesph and Julia?
J - Hey Max, listen are you going to the hospital?
M - Yeah me and Adam are on our way now. Why?
J - On your way back can you come watch Joseph and Julia while I see my Wife?
M - We would be glad to Jason
J - Thanks. Bye Max!
M - Cya!

Adam looked at me for a split second. Then back at the road. "I can't wait to see Joseph and Julia!" Adam said to break the silence in the car. I looked at his sweet smile and just thought. What if we were together? How different would our lives be? And I hoped he was thinking the same.

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