Chapter Five

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I don't really have some random A/N actually....WELL OKAY


"Victoria", I hear someone calling my name softly, yet in a rough voice, as I wake up. "Victoria get up, we're leaving in a hour", it says a little louder and I moan. "Don't make me pull you off the couch", the voice says and I swing a pillow at who ever is talking. There's a low growl then I'm falling off the couch and onto the floor. I open my eyes to see Victor standing over me, holding my pillow. I grin innocently.

"Hi", I say then take my pillow and put it on the floor and fall back asleep.

"Should just leave you here", he mumbles, then there's sharp pain in my shoulder. I shoot straight up and feel the spot to feel two little holes in my shoulder and a little blood there as well.

"What the bloody hell! Did you just bite me!?" I yell and go to the bathroom to look at the mark. Victor follows and leans on the door frame. He chuckles a little before coming to stand behind me.

"Yes I did, and it's just a mark calm down, it will heal remember", he says. I scoff at him then watch as the mark slowly heals over.

I pull my sleeve back over my shoulder and turn to Victor,"Either way that's not normal way to wake someone up like that", I say to him and he grins.

"Who ever said I was normal", he says and I roll my eyes. "Go get dressed", he says and points towards his room.

"I don't have any clothes", I say holding my arm in one hand. Victor rolls his eyes.

"Just put on the clothes you had yesterday it'll be fine." Then he walks away. I roll my eyes then go to put my clothes on. The clothes that had mud, some snow, and were still a little wet. I mumble random things to myself as I slip the clothes on.

I walk into the kitchen and lean on the table with my chin on my palms. Victor is on the floor rummaging through a shelf.

"Why do girls take so long to get ready?" he asks standing up with a file. I turn around quickly before answering.

"Why don't boys where shirts in the morning?" I reply referring to the fact that Victor doesn't have a shirt on. I hear him chuckle then I turn around and he's right in front of me. I jump back a bit in shock before looking up at him and raising a eyebrow.

"Because girls love it", he says leaning on the table and smirking down at me.

"Some. Girls like it", I say then turn around and walk to the couch. Victor chuckles again before going back to making breakfast. I roll my eyes at his back. I sit down on the couch.

I just sit there, my knees pulled up to my chest. Victor looks at me

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Nothing. I'm not hungry", I mumble back. Victor looks at me and sets a plate on the table.

"To bad. Sit, and eat."

"Whatever", I mumble, getting up and going to sit at the table. I eat silently, and try and finish quickly. When I'm done I stand up, and put my plate into the sink. Victor is already putting a shirt on, so I quickly slip my black combat boots on. I watch as Victor puts his boots. He slips his back trench coat on and rolls the sleeves up a bit.

I stand up quietly and stick my hands in my pockets as I watch Victor grab a small bottle full of some liquid thing. He looks over at me and nods."Let's go", he says and walks out the door with me following right behind.

-A Few Hours Later-

I slowly come to as the car starts slowing down, but don't open my eyes. I can feel someone shaking my arm, and hear them grumble.

Daughter of the Sabretooth: Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora