Chapter Something

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"Vic stop fighting. I have to go!"

"No! Don't leave me! Please you're the only person I have left!" He kept carrying me to the jet, and I was starting to cry. "Remy please! I need you!" He stopped for a moment, then slowly put me on the ground, holding onto my shoulders.

"Vic.... Please, I know it's hard, but you have too. I don't want you to get hurt I need you to be as far away from him as you can be, and this is the only way."

"Remy, please. I can't do this! I can't handle this without you, I need you! Please." My last word came out in a whisper. "I love you, you're the only one I have left."

He froze, his mouth open just a bit in shock at what i had just said. And it was true, I did love this man and I did need him. All my other family was either dead, dead to me, or kinda hated me. He was all I had left.

We stared at each other for a moment. After a while he suddenly whispered. "Aw fuck it", and grabbed my waist, pulling me against him. His lips collided with mine, his hands around my waist tightly. I tensed up at first, but then relaxed quickly, and slowly kissed him back. It was safe, and I forgot all about everything that was happening at that moment. He pulled away though, sadly, and stared into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Vic. I promised Claire I would protect you. Especially from him." And he picked me up again. I screamed once more, but he kept walking until we reached the helicopter. He slowly put me down, careful to make sure I didn't get back out.

"Hold her back!" He yelled to anyone behind me. A strong pair of arms wrapped around me, and held me in place. Remy cupped my face once more, and kissed me again, slower and gentler this time.

"I love you too, Victoria Creed. I'm so sorry." Then he backed away from the helicopter, and ran off.

"No! Let me go, please! Remy!" He ignored my desperate pleads, and someone closed the helicopter door. I whispered his name one last time, and felt the arms around me slowly pull me up into their lap.

"I'm so sorry." They whispered. I was crying into the persons shirt, and glanced up to see Scott.

"Scott...." I locked eyes with him for a second, then clung onto his shirt for dear life as I cried. I looked out the window as one of the smoke towers collapsed. Everything that had ever happened suddenly flashed before my eyes.

'My. Little. Kitten.'


I don't know if my own screams woke me up, or if the words did, but I woke up sweating and screaming. I sat in my bed for a few minutes, staring at the wall. Then the tears came, loudly, and I couldn't stop. I sat there crying for only a few seconds before someone was holding me in their arms.

"Scott", I whispered,"It was everything." He froze at the word 'everything'.

"Vic." His voice came out in a whisper. "Oh God Vic. It's okay, it was just a nightmare. It wasn't real."

"But it was! It was real I heard it, and saw it and and, felt it.... Scott." I was clinging to his shirt, sobbing loudly, my words barley understandable. The room got very soft very quickly, and I slowly looked up to see about half the school at my bedroom door. The only one I actually noticed was Logan.

He stared at me intensely, like he was jealous that Scott got to me first. I could feel Scott glaring at him, almost like he knew what had caused the nightmare. It was true though. Logan coming back, and everything that had happened today just brought back everything. I wasn't going to admit that though.

"Okay everyone, please go back to your own rooms." I heard the Professors soft voice call out to the students standing there. Everyone quickly and quietly made their way back to their rooms, mumbling quietly to others. "You too please, Logan."

"N-no!" I said the word before I even processed it. "H-he can stay." Scott looked down at me, very surprised, and I glanced at Logan to see he was surprised too.

Logan and the Professor came into the room, Logan leaning against the wall, and the Professor coming over to me. Scott still held me in his arms, but moved to where I could face the Professor. He looked at me with kind eyes.

"What was it about this time?" He said gently, knowing I was still crying and still messed up from the nightmare.

"Everything", I whispered again. "From the bar to when I came here." I choose my words carefully, knowing that Logan was in the room, and he didn't need to know. He nods slowly, almost in thought. To be honest, I've never let the Professor look through my mind. It was just to hard, to have the memories passing by. I felt like they would bring up more nightmares.

I nod twice at him, and he looks at me with a look that says 'are you sure'. I nod once more, and he closes his eyes, concentrating on my memories. I feel him poking around through my mind, and I gasp loudly at one point when it gets to... that one memory. A few seconds later he opens his eyes and stares at me, very concerned.

"I'm fine." I whisper, although I don't believe the words myself. "It's in the past."

I look at Logan, who is still leaning against the wall, staring back. It may have been in the past, and I knew that. Yet I couldn't get over the fact that I always knew it wasn't really done, and that my past would catch up to me. I had become many things that day at the island, but I was sure of one finale little thing.

The past of the Daughter of the Sabretooth had caught up with her. And everything that I ever knew would change.

The End.

For Now.

Daughter of the Sabretooth: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now