Chapter Eleven

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So. I'm scared. Uh, after this chapter. Ummmm. Some stuff? Happens. And I am so not ready for this.......but I love how excited you all are, even though you have no idea what's gonna happen. Sooooooo. Yep. Thank you all for being so supportive. Please don't blow up my phone after this. Okay? K thanks. Also this may be a bit short, sorry.


I was frozen in place. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, I could barley even breath. My heart was racing a mile a minute. Fear covered up my original scent, and terror flooded my eyes. Victor stared at me, a smirk plastered all the way across his face, but anger and some other emotion, I couldn't tell what it was, was there too.

Remy laid on the ground motionless, but he was still breathing. In any other case I would of been at his side in a minute. But I still couldn't move. I force my legs to work, and slowly backed away from the scene, one foot at a time. I keep my eyes locked with Victor, fearing that if I look away, he'll kill me.

To say that I was afraid was a understatement. I was petrified, and Victor's smirk widened when he saw this. I continued to back away, my heart about to burst out of my chest. I tore my gaze away from Victor, and looked at Logan. He was focused entirely on Victor. If there was a moment for me to run, it's now.

I start backing away faster, then turn around and run. I thought I heard Victor behind me, but I didn't look back. I turned a corner of the alley, and continue running faster. I keep running till I see two dumpsters, and I quickly duck in between them, holding my knees to my chest.

I put my head in my arms and sit there, shaking from the cold, and the fear running through me. I try to hold my sobs in, but break down. I sit there and cry, cry over everything that has happened to me in my life. I cry over Claire, over what Victor had done to me, I cry over it all. And I don't stop, even when I can't breath, until I can't cry anymore. Even when I try, the tears just don't come.

I sit there for what seems like forever, until there's only silence around me. Yet I feel so lost in my thoughts that I barely even acknowledge the silence. I shudder once, the cold wind blows onto my already shaking body. I sniff, my eyes red and raw from crying. The wind is blowing right at my body, but it suddenly stops, even though I can hear it whistling in the air.

"Kitten", someone says. The voice makes me jump in surprise. But what the person says makes me freeze, my head still in my arms. "Look at me", The voice demands darkly. I slowly bring my head up, not prepared for who I'm about to see.

"V-Victor. I-I", I try to stutter out words but none come out how I want them to. Victor stares at me in the eyes,"P-please don't hurt me", is all I can manage to choke out. He has me trapped against the wall, and even hearing his voice makes me cower down, like I'm trying to hide myself. But I can't. Everyone knows you can't hide from Victor Creed.

"You have no idea what I'm going to do to you",He says calmly. A stalking look shines in his eyes, along with anger.....and lust. ((I will delete any comments that have to do with that. Yall can PM me instead. Thank you very much)) I continue to shake in fear. Victor suddenly grins like a evil maniac. "But I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're, you're not?" I ask softly, my voice shaking. He shakes his head.

"At least, not yet", he whispers. As soon as he says this in the blink of an eye, he grabs my hair and pulls me up. My body reacts faster then my brain, and as soon as Victor starts dragging me I scream.

"Someone help me! Please! Help me!" Victor growls and picks me up on my feet, placing a hand over my mouth, but I continue to screamed muffled cries for help. Soon I realize that only one person besides Victor is going to hear the soft screams.

"Logan!" I scream from under the hand. "Logan, please help me!" Victor growls once again, and pushes me against the wall, one hand on my mouth, the other holding my wrists above my head.

"You've already pissed me off enough, Kitten. You wanna keep going with this be my guest. But don't start begging for mercy when I start. Or, you can shut the hell up now, and I might spare you just a bit. I think you know what to do."

I give a shaky nod, and he smirks, grabbing my hair again, and dragging me back to hell, for God knows what kind of punishment m.


That was short dang.

Did I scar the world for life? Because I really feel like I did...



Daughter of the Sabretooth: Book OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin