Chapter Thirteen

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Y'all are freaking the heck out and I am just laughing so hard lol. But I really feel bad for Vic. And I will also accept comments this time as well.


I couldn't remember anything when I woke up. All I remember is taking a shower, and then the rest is a blurry haze in my mind. My entire body aches, and I can barley open my eyes. I softly moan, pain shooting through my body when ever I try to move. I use almost all my energy just opening my eyes. When my eyes are fully open I can't do much to look around. My vision is blurred, and all I can see are black dots. I moan once again, and try to hold my head, but can't move my arms.

"Morning, Kitten", Someone whispers into my ear. My heart skips a beat in my chest. My breath gets caught in my throat, and I can't move anymore. The memories hit me like a bullet. I feel tears brimming my eyes, and I close them again.

Victor's arms were wrapped around the small of my back while he held me to his bare chest. Maybe it was a dream, maybe it didn't really happen and this was some big nightmare. But I know it's not. This was all real life, everything from last night had happened. I feel a tear slide down my face, and I try to stop them. "You were amazing last night." He says softly. More tears slide down my face

"You're sick. You're a sick twisted man", I whisper. I hear my voice, and realize my mistake as I say the words. Victor Creed is not a man. He's an animal.

"Don't you forget it", He says, and I know he's grinning. Silent tears spill from my eyes as I feel him softly kiss my mark from last night. I glance down at myself. Bite marks, bruises, and a few scars cover almost my entire body, and the only thing covering me is a sheet.

"Don't deny it, Kitten", I hear him whisper seductively,"You wanted that. I know you enjoyed it. It's what you were made for."

"I wasn't made to be your play toy", I hiss back, venom filling my voice. He chuckles softly, like my words amuse him.

"Oh you're much more then a play toy", he says, still softly kissing, and nipping at the mark.

"Then what am I?"

His hot breath makes my ear tingle as he leans right into it. I can feel his smirk beside my face. "You're mine."

As his words sink in I realize he's right. I would never tell him this to his face, but deep inside I know it's true. Blood related or not, Victor had claimed me as his own. But that doesn't mean I wasn't, not going to deny it. I try to push him away, but he just pulls me closer.

"Confess to me", Victor demands. I shake my head, and try to get out of his grip again. He holds my body tightly, and starts to kiss my sealed lips roughly. "Who do you belong to?"

"No one", I mutter, still trying to get my aching body out of his grip.

"Real cute, Kitten. But you know who you owns you. Confess it", He says darkly. I can feel myself slipping away to him. My mind fights myself, but it's not strong enough.

"I-I be-belong", I softly whisper. My body takes over my mind, and I start doing what I don't want. I feel my lips slowly separate, and I instinctively begin to kiss him back. My mind was screaming 'no' and I needed to listen to that voice in my head. Yet I continued to softly kiss Victor, as his rough ones ceased to match mine.

"That's it, Kitten", he mummered,"Now confess it. Who do you belong to?" My mind fought for control, to try and stop myself from doing what he asked.

"I, I. I belong, y-you. T-to you", I say, my voice barley even audible. My body is aware of what I'm doing, yet it doesn't care. It only knows one thing: Victor had made me his mate. I would always end up giving into him.

"Louder", he almost growled out.

"I belong to you. T-to Victor Cre-No!" I say louder this time. I don't finish the sentence, my mind starts to take control again, and I quickly pull away. "I don't belong to you!"

Victor sighs, and makes a 'tsk' sound with his tongue. "You were almost there, Kitten."

He starts to kiss me roughly again. I know what he's doing, and I begin to struggle. All he does is chuckle and roll over on top of me. My heart rate picks up, and fear enters my scent quickly.

"Please. Don't make me do this again, Victor", I whisper. "Please." He stares into my eyes.

"I'll give you one last chance to confess. If not. Then I will do things to your mind and body that you wish you had the strength to deny.", He says calmly, a smirk slightly at his lips. I look down at myself again. I know I have to, so I might as well get it over with. I close my eyes tightly.

"I'm yours", I whisper so softly that anyone else right beside couldn't hear it.

"Say it louder, Kitten", He demands in a low tone.

"I'm yours. Victor Creed's", I say louder, but my voice only above a whisper.

"Good girl", Victor says, and I can almost feel the smirk on his face. His grip on my waist ceases, and once he lets go completely I move away quickly. He chuckles darkly, then gets out of the bed, and puts his clothes on. I do the same with my clothes. When I'm done I turn to look at Victor. He glances over at me then picks something up at throws it to me. I catch it with ease and look at it.

-A Few Hours Later-

Victor had left again. He knew I wouldn't try to escape after what had happened last night. Which was why I was sitting on the bathroom floor crying. The box Victor threw at me was laying on the floor, opened and ruining my life.

"No, please! This can't be right!" I whispered to myself as I stared at the faint red line in front of me. More tears spilled from my eyes, and I put my head into my hands.

Victor had gotten me pregnant.


If I accept comments. That means that shit is about to go down okay.


I actually had no idea where I was going with this in the first part of it. Then I was just thinking. And now this....

Yeah okay then. But comment away. Don't kill me im just a 13 year old girl. Who apparently likes to kill fandoms.

If yall were half dead because of the last chapter. Then I'm pretty sure you're completely dead now.

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