Chapter One

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Hello......I am a person and I write books. PLEASE ENJOY DIS WEIRD CRAP I WROTE


I wandered around on the muddy pavement, my hands in my pockets, keeping my hood over my head, and my head hanging low. I start looking for shelter, something to warm my frozen fingers up. I sigh as the rain starts beating down on my head.

"Great", I mumble. I never really liked the rain much, not lately at least. I walk across the empty lot trying to find a place to dry off and warm up a bit. Finally I spot a neat bar and pick up my pace.

As I step inside the smell of beer and smoke hits me like a wave. There aren't many people here, but that's better for me. I take a seat close to the end of the bar, and stare down at the table, trying to warm my hands.

"What do you want?" The bartender asks. I look up at him.

"Nothing. I'll be gone soon", I say and he nods, then walks away. Not after at least five minutes does the door opens again. I don't turn around, I'd rather not draw attention to myself by staring. I continue to stare at the wood table in front of me, but tense up when I feel a presence behind me. I tap my fingers on the table, but don't turn around.

"Yes?" I ask sarcastically, still without turning around. I can feel who ever it is breath down the back of my neck, and it sends a shiver down my spine.

"Get up", it growls. It's a males voice, deep and animalistic.

"Why should I?" I challenge. It feels as though he left, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder, and a sharp pain in it. I'm turned around so quickly that I have to grab on to the table behind me for support. My eyes travel up until I'm met with a pair of dark grey eyes, which hold a look of death in them. The kind you would see in a animal stalking its prey. I suddenly feel very small as we make eye contact.

"Because I believe your in my seat", he says staring down at me. I gulp and continue to keep eye contact.

"I'm sorry, I don't see 'asshole' written on it." I snap. That must of been the last straw for him because in one swift motion he grabs my shirt and lifts me from the chair.

"You got a lot of nerve talking to me like that, kitten. But if you wanna keep that smart mouth of yours I suggest you move. Now", he growls in my face.

"Bite me", I growl. He smirks and I automatically wish I hadn't said that.

"My pleasure", he says softly, but still with that animalistic tone, and stalking look in his eyes. I start to struggle, but his grasp is to strong.

"Let me go", I say, continuing to struggle.

"Why should I?" He asks smirking. Throwing my own words back in my face,"I was just getting comfortable." A shiver goes down my spine as I feel his other arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer. I close my eyes tightly, waiting for the kidnapping and rape that most likely would of follow, but it never came. Luckily. I open one eye to see that his smirk has faulted, and he's tense, but he notices me looking at him and smirks again. I tense up again, but he doesn't let me go. He holds me tighter. It's now that I feel five sharp points in my side. I try to ignore it but it gets worse as he holds me tighter.

The man looks up at the bartender who is watching us out of the corner of his eye. I take the opportunity to look down at the mans hand and see that he has five long claws on each of his fingers. I stare in shock, then look at my hands, which were still holding the table for support. My claws had grown out unwillingly as well. I gulp and look up.

"I'll deal with you later", he whispers in my ear, then pushes me to the side. I lose my balance and fall into the nearest chair. The man sits down beside me and looks at the bartender again.

"You got insurance in this place?" He asks. The bartender shakes his head.

"Uh, insurance, no."

"To bad." A scent catches my nose, and someone yelling can be heard outside the bar, but I can't understand what they're saying. Five seconds later, the door swings open. I turn to look at who it is, since they made a loud noise coming in. The man beside me is the only one who doesn't turn around. I can barely see his face, but his brown eyes shine with anger, and hate. He looks around until his eyes land on the man beside me, who turns around slowly.

"Well, well, well", he says to the angry man standing a few feet in front of him. "Look what the cat dragged in."

"Guys whatever this is. Take it outside", the bartender says. But it's not the guys who leave. It's everyone else as soon as three bone claws come sliding from in between his knuckles. I try to get out, but the man grabs my arm, holding me in place.

"Why?" The guy in front of us growls, his hands clenched. The other man, the one that sat beside me smirks at the first man.

"Why?" he repeated and laughed wickedly,"you don't call. You don't write.", he pauses as he stands, letting go of my arm as well,"how else am I supposed to get your attention?" he grins and I look down at his hands and see that long bone like claws are growing out from the shorter claws he had before.

I slip outside and find a place to watch the fight. I look through the window on the side of the bar and see the second man running on all fours towards the first man who runs towards the second man with his hand pulled back, ready to strike. I flinch a little when the sound of wood breaking fills my ears as the second man pushes the first man right through the bar door.

I jump to a different place to watch when the first man throws the second man on top of the logs I was sitting on. I hear a low growl escape from the second man and when the first man runs toward the logs the second man kicks the post holding the logs up and they fall right onto the first man.

The second man looked at the logs then jumped down and picks one up, revealing the first man trying to get up. The second man picks him up with his claws and pushes him against the logs.

"Tell me something Jimmy", he says so low that I could barley hear it,"was she worth it?" he asks and I wonder who he's talking about when a car's head lights come into view and the second man throws "Jimmy" apparently in front if it, causing him to hit the windshield and tumble onto the middle of the road. I moved closer but I couldn't catch their conversation. The second man finally just stepped on Jimmy's bone claws and walked away.

I came out of my hiding space looking for the second man but didn't see him, so I figured he had left. I looked around once more then stepped out a bit more. Only to be pulled back by a strong hand over my mouth and waist. A hand with claws.


THATS MORE LIKE IT!!!!!!!! This is what I want from the story, a bigger plot, better action and suspense moments.

THIS IS (Sparta) WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!! Plus I got to call Victor Creed a asshole. Creedslilgirl NOPE I NEED THE CLOSEST WINDOW PLEASE!!!!!!

Daughter of the Sabretooth: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now