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A group of experts in ancient history devoted their lives to figuring out a mystery called the 12 zodiacs. An ancient legend that portrays the beginning of time with twelve gods that created the galaxies and ultimately died inside their greatest creation called Earth. Recently they found that the pyramids were believed to be the resting places for these Gods on Earth. They spent years investigating without any findings. After lots of petitions, they finally were granted permission to excavate the nearest grounds of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. They have come to the understanding that the Gods were buried near specific pyramids and believe that the Great Pyramid was one of them. They hired more than 2,000 men with all the necessary equipment. As the days passed many of the men ran away due to strange things happening during the night at their camp. They finally excavated three huge holes that led into an underground chamber. They sent 100 men inside throw each hole but after two days none had come out. The rest of the men were scared and decided to go away. The expert explorers decided to go in to look. All three went down together. It was dark even with the flash helmets. The lead explorer Lino was the first to hit the floor. They started walking in one behind the other. Suddenly Lino looks back and the others are no longer there. He panics and runs back but before getting up he sees all his men dead on the floor including the other explorers. He goes up and as he is getting out of the hole he sees a man with his face covered laughing. Lino asked if he knew what happened to the others. The strange man answered that he had liberated the 11 Zodiac. Lino asks how he knows. The man points to the pyramid and says the purple light is on. Lino looks at the light and when he looks back the strange man is gone. Lino starts walking to the top of the pyramid. A door opens. He enters and lots of women greet him. He asks for the 11 zodiac and the women laugh. One of them says that the master is waiting and takes Lino up the stairs.

Lino: Who are you?

Katrina: My name is Katrina.

Lino: What is this place?

Katrina: This is our master's home.

Lino: Who are all those girls?

Orbiou: Lino welcome to my humble house.

Lino: Who are you?

Orbious: My name is Orbious the 11 Zodiac. You free me from my eternal slumber. That's the only reason you are alive. You can pick any of the girls you want but be careful they bite.

Lino: Where do they come from? What do you mean they bite?

Orbious: They are the women of the nearby village. They have evolved into a greater being.

Lino: Where are the men?

Orbious: Lino they are all dead and soon I will extend this doomed to the rest of the world.

Lino: What have I done?

Orbious: You are alive so enjoy the girls and let me rest. I need to rest I want to visit Edusa she is the most beautiful thing that you can't look at. She should be in Brazil. Enjoy my fortress.

Orbious walks away and Lino grabs a sword and strikes Orbious throw the heart.

Katrina: Do you think he can die that easily?

Orbious gets up and bites Lino. Katrina went to join Orbious but he pushed her knocking her against the wall.

Katrina: You turn him, master. Why?

Orbious: You dare to question me. I gave you new life and I will take it away.

Lino suddenly gets up. He grabs Katrina and jumps to the outside of the pyramid. The master women surrounded them but Orbious screamed to let them go. They began running.

Katrina: You saved me. Where do we go?

Lino: Brazil

The End

Eleven 11 "Dark Nightmare"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن