"Um, I'm sorry, madam Tibideaux. I'm just... I'm in the middle of tech rehearsals for my show right now..." Rachel starts getting interrupted by Tibideaux.

"Miss. Berry, I've said everything I have to say to you. Either you do it this week, or you fail. That's it. Next! Please get off my stage." She instructs. I look at Kurt nervously and get up to stand on stage. I wore a navy blue dress that goes a little above my knee in the front and trains behind me in the back.

The orchestra starts to play the soothing and beautiful melody of 'no one is alone'.

"A friend of mine was beaten the other day... I would like to dedicate this song to him." I say softly.

Mother cannot guide you
Now you're on your own
Only me beside you
Still, you're not alone
No one is alone
No one is alone

I sing, changing to speak softly.

I wish...
I know

I close my eyes and listen to the orchestra play the music, waiting for my cue while remembering times I use to close my eyes from the nerves of seeing people's reactions.

I sing (and talk):
Mother isn't here now
(Wrong things, right things)
Who knows what she'd say?
(Who can say what's true?)
Nothing's quite so clear now
(Do things, fight things)
Feel you've lost your way?
(You decide, but)
You are not alone
Believe me
No one is alone
No one is alone
Believe me

My voice rises, as does the orchestras volume.

People make mistakes
People make mistakes
Holding to their own
Thinking they're alone

I sing softly while the orchestra calms down for moments at a time.

Honor their mistakes
Fight for their mistakes
Everybody makes
One another's terrible mistakes
Witches can be right, giants can be good
You decide what's right, you decide what's good

Just remember
Just remember
Someone is on your side
Our side
Someone else is not
While we're seeing our side
Our side
Maybe we forgot, they are not alone
No one is alone
Someone is on your side
No one is alone

I finish softly as I let out a breath from having to sing higher than usual at the end. Everyone claps and cheers and madame Tibideaux smiles fondly.

"That was spectacular Miss. Morgan." La Tibideaux says with a soft smile on her face. I nod and go sit back down.

Back at the apartment Kurt storms into my room.

"Rachel quit NYADA." Kurt says bluntly. I'm frozen in shock. My eyes are wide and my jaw hangs.

"I'll call you back." I say to Jesse on skype, not looking away from Kurt as I close my computer.

"What... the hell?! Are you sure?" I rush out, walking to him. Kurt nods frantically.

"It is all over the NYADA chat rooms." Kurt starts.

"Oh my god, you still read those?" I asked embarrassed for him.

"This is a mistake. Rachel can't quit NYADA! What are we gonna do? What should we do? How do we stop her?!" Kurt asks frantically rambling while staring at me, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. I laugh and place my hands on his shoulders.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now