Tina in the Sky with Diamonds

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We all fly back to New York this time and I sit on the counter, watching Santana and another worker flirt across the room. I nudge her and suggestively move my eyebrows. She merely rolls her eyes. Rachel comes behind the counter.

"That's it. My dreams of playing Fanny Brice are over." Rachel sulks, slamming her note pad on the counter next to me.

"I'm sure. It isn't over." Santana assured sarcastically.

"If your always this dramatic, which you are, I don't see why they wouldn't want you." I roll my eyes.

"If I got it, I would've heard by now. Okay? And-and-And the thing is, is that I wasn't just auditioning for this for myself. I was auditioning for everyone at McKinley. Okay? I wanted to show that we're talented enough to make it in this business." Rachel expresses.

"Geez, if I had a dollar for every time you 'did something for someone else', I wouldn't have to work in this diner." I mused. Santana pushed me and I hopped off the counter.

"Okay, well, one of us sort of already did. I booked a commercial. It's a little embarrassing, because it was for that yeast infection medication, yeast-I-stat. But they sent me a rough cut. Do you wanna see?" Santana announces, actually seeming excited.

"Um, yes. And that's amazing!" I praised. She pulled out her phone and showed us the commercial.

"Wow. That's... that's great." Rachel said, trying to smile. I smirked knowing how hard this was for her to watch.

"It was... so great." I tell her semi-honestly. It was great as in I'll be watching it when I'm depressed so I can have a good laugh and know someone's life is more depressing then mine... but I don't tell her that.

"Honestly, if it were anyone else I'd be so jealous, but I'm-I'm-I'm... really proud of you." Rachel says, trying to be sincere.

"Thank you. Thank you." Santana says with a big smile. We all hug.

The next day at school I'm forced to sit next to Rachel after she volunteered to tune pianos without knowing how to tune pianos.

"No! Rachel, stop. You're doing this all wrong and it isn't even that hard." I say. Kurt soon walks up to us.

"What's going on in here?" He asks.

"Carmen Tibideaux needed volunteers for the annual NYADA piano tuning." Rachel explains.

"And little miss. I like to help everybody, volunteered without knowing how to tune a piano." I smiled sarcastically.

"Did you hear about Santana's good news?" Rachel asked, changing the subject. She stands up from the piano, as do I.

"That she doesn't have a yeast infection." Kurt says plainly.

"I'm really happy for her." Rachel says quickly. I scoff, smiling at her.

"I can tell." I respond.

"Okay, what wrong with you? Because the Rachel I know would be furious at Santana for breezing into town and beating us at booking the first gig. You have lost your mojo obsessing over this part. We can't let our feelings of self-worth be determined by some part in a play." Kurt inspired. I nodded.

"I totally agree." I add.

"That's easy for you to say; you both just got engaged." Rachel argued. I nodded and looked at my ring.

"True, but I'm not pinning all my future happiness on it. I'm telling you, you have got to get your mojo back. Right here, right now. This second." Kurt said and he started singing 'get back' as some girl played the piano. We walked around and on pianos as they moved around the room, we sat on them and other students moved them around in some weird but fun choreography. The three of us ended up singing. Everyone cheered and clapped when it was over.

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