The End of Twerk

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So here's what you missed on glee: Rachel got the lead in Funny Girl on broadway, but the directors sort of weird and has crazy eyes and wasn't even sure she was right for the part to begin with. And that's what you missed on Glee!

Things have been easier. I've stopped crying as often and I talk regularly now. My sarcasms come back which Santana is thrilled about... I know there's always going to be an ache in my heart where my best friend should be but I need to go on with my life because I know he wouldn't want me to spend it being depressed over him. He would've wanted me to go out into the world and get everything I wanted... though what I wanted most was him.

Kurt and I sit in the living room, channel surfing and stuffing our faces when Rachel walks in with a brand new haircut.

"I just had the most incredible experience of my life." Rachel announced.

"Oh, my god. Did you cut your hair?" Kurt asked.

"I was feeling stuck." Rachel said and then continued to take the wig off. Kurt and I sigh, laughing at the fact that it was just a wig.

"You know, Ruperts amazing, but he has such specific views on everything. And it's not like I don't trust his vision, but I felt like I needed to just rebel a little bit in order to have more room to play." Rachel explained, sitting on a living room chair.

"So he doesn't know that you were wearing a wig?" Kurt asks her.

"Not at first, but then I told him after rehearsal. And he really loved it, and I might get to wear it in the show." Rachel squealed.

"That could've gone really bad." I said wide-eyed.

"What is he got mad about you lying to him? Or-or what if he saw that you cut your hair and sent you packing?" Kurt rambled.

"Okay, you know what, Kurt? You've become boring. You go to class, and then you come home and you watch your stories and you eat all this food and you Skype with Blaine, and it's not even sexy Skyping. I know this because you just go to sleep. Same thing every day." Rachel explains every way and I have to agree.

"I change up my afternoon smoothie occasionally." Kurt scoffs.

"Yeah, you tell her." I say, my mouth stuffed with food.

"It felt so good taking a risk with this wig. It's like, I just... I felt so alive. And I know I could've messed everything up, but I didn't even care. It's, like, I just wanted to risk it all." Rachel explains further.

"That's not exciting, that's idiotic." I comment.

"What's gotten into you?" Kurt asks.

"I don't know. But do you remember in high school how everything felt so urgent? Like if we didn't just go for it we'd lose our Chance forever?" Rachel asks.

"Yes, it was very stressful." Kurt says.

"No. People usually waited for me, not the other way around." I mumble.

"I want to feel that way again." Rachel says looking thoughtful. Kurt pauses.

"Does this have anything to do with Finn?" Kurt asks her and I wince. I still haven't been able to say his name aloud. Rachel takes a moment to think about what to say.

"You know, if part of my grieving process is just diving headfirst into life, then... maybe." Rachel says kinda sadly. Kurt looks into his ice cream bucket.

"All right, Rachel Berry... you got me. Let's go out and do something crazy." Kurt says, standing up.

"I'm in." I say, standing as well. Rachel gasps And follows us up.

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