Not That I'd Mind

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Tord loved this room. It was the place he'd first brought Tom after he came to the base. He remembered how disobedient and obstinate his love had been, although he didn't really mind. That's part of what he loved about the feisty Brit. But he also loved how docile he could be nowadays, although what he'd done recently would make things seem quite the opposite. Though he knew it wasn't entirely Tom's fault, since he'd seen the footage. Those damn green army members pulled on his belonging so roughly, making it evident that they had no regard for his safety. But that didn't matter anymore. He'd get them back. He'd show them what is was like to be treated as human trash.

That very thought made Tord's blood boil, so he took a small deep breath. He needed to stay calm. He didn't want to risk accidentally snapping at Tom when the two saw each other again, which he would most definitely do if he couldn't suppress his anger. Speaking of his kitten, he took a device from his pocket which unfolded to reveal a screen. On it was Tom, still peacefully sleeping with the voice recorder in his hand. Tord couldn't help but smile as he realized that his voice recording was still playing, a small sense of pride coming from his message being the thing that lulled him to sleep. God, he felt like he was falling in love all over again. But that bed Tom was forced to sleep on seemed very uncomfortable, so he made a mental note to let him have the queen sized be to himself if he so wished when they got back.

That run down, ratchet room was no where for his poor baby to be spending his time. No matter, he'd make Edd and Matt's cells at the red army base as disgusting as he possibly could. That was if he was able to resist killing them on the spot, since they really did deserve it. But Tom might be upset, which he'd learned the hard way after shooting Edd. He hated how he cared for them. He'd been doing so well as of late, hardly mentioning a word about them for a number of weeks. Tord knew he needed to get him back in the habit of that once they were home safe. Tom would forget about them eventually, he knew he would. It would take some time, of course, but Tord was willing to do whatever was needed for Tom to be only focused on him. No one else.

He glanced back down at the screen, noticing that Tom was beginning to stir. That usually meant he was having a bad dream or just waking up. Either way, Tord still wanted to hold him close and comfort him all he could. Thankfully, it wouldn't be long until he could do so. It was just a matter of time.

"I love you." He mumbled before shutting off the device and folding it back down again.

It was only a matter of time.
Tom sat outside on a hill, letting the cool air nip at his skin. He'd just finished fifth session of green army 'training', which was basically just an excuse for the soldiers to tear each other apart. Naturally, he hated it and had already accumulated multiple injuries. And given people some, too. But only out of self defense. He wondered why Edd let these sort of things go on in his army. But whenever he did, he always had to remind himself that this wasn't his goofy best friend. He'd changed, and although it hurt to think about, not much was left of their previous friendship. He gave up hope on salvaging their friendship when instead of helping Tom, who was getting mocked and insulted for being red leaders 'bitch', Edd encouraged his soldiers to continue to the point where it got physical. He still had nasty marks on mostly his back and legs from the encounter. With a soft sigh, Tom looked up at the sky that was painted in tones of yellow, orange, and red.


That made him think about Tord.

He'd lost count of the amount of times he'd thought about him since arriving at the green army base. And ever since finding that goddamn message under his pillow, it got even worse. He remembered waking a few hours after that first terrible night, his back aching from curling up on the minuscule sized bed. Matt hadn't come to get him, but he was appreciative of that fact once he noticed the voice recorder being still clutched in his hand. He could recall grimacing before pausing the recording and shoving it under his pillow where it previously was. He didn't know why he fell asleep to that. It made him feel disgusting, really.

Although that wasn't the only thing he felt, which he realized on that same morning. Deep down, no matter how much he tried to hide it, he felt longing. Longing for Tord's touch or his uncharacteristically soft yet harsh lips. Even his scent, which coated everything in the room they'd shared for nearly a year now. Anything. He craved the affection he was so used to getting. And it had barely been a day at that point. All of those thoughts disgusted him, made him feel a sense of shame that caused his cheeks to become dusted with the color pink. But he knew why. Over the course of that year, he'd grown dependent on Tord. No matter how much he wanted to deny it. He was the one that laid out everything he had to do, where he had to go, his clothes, his meals. Hell, he even organized all of Tom's work by it's due date. All he had to do was just follow along. Doing things on his own now, though occasionally with the help of Matt, was a strange sort of adjustment. A sort of adjustment that made him feel weak and pathetic.

And even now, after what he presumed had been several weeks with the green army, he still felt longing. It was a painful feeling. His chest would ache like he'd been kicked in the gut, his throat tightening up until he felt like he wasn't able to breath anymore. He never realized how much he needed Tord until he was gone, and not just to help him get his life together. Or maybe it was something else, which Tom kept trying to push into his mind. He didn't want to believe that he might have feelings that weren't just hatred and abhorrence for the communist that ruined his life. But the feelings wouldn't go away.

All of a sudden, the sound of a booming voice over the intercom prevented Tom from zoning out any further. He wasn't too far away from the base, so he could still hear it clearly.

"Code red. I repeat, code red. The green army base is under attack." A robotic voice spoke, its voice much too calm for the situation.

The soldiers around Tom, whom had been smoking and drinking, immediately bolted up. They ran out of the outdoor training area and in the direction of the front of the building, and just as Tom was about to join them, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jumping back, he immediately went to kick the person in the crotch before noticing who it was.

"Edd?" He mumbled, deciding not to use his green army name.

"He can't have you. We were so close to victory, why did you have to ruin it?" Edd growled, aggressively taking Tom by the arm and beginning to pull him in the opposite direction of those soldiers.

Tom pulled back. He was keen on not going where ever Edd wanted him to, an immediate panic rising in his chest. "Where are we g... going?"

"Shut the hell up."

And that's when Tom reconvened with an old friend. He greeted its scent with a bittersweet smile, letting the world around him slowly fade to black.

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