Sweetheart, Darling, Honey

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i don't even know if this chapter makes sense.

this story is falling apart-
Tom's head swam with a million different emotions. Nothing made sense but everything was clear at the same time. He found himself in the torture room once again, its prominent yet disgusting smell filling his nose as he quickly locked and closed the door. He didn't know if anybody had followed him and he didn't dare to find out. Thankfully, nobody else was in the room. Well nobody alive at least. He sunk to his knees on the floor and curled up into a ball. He wanted to cry but no tears seemed to come. Nothing was left in him. He was hollow. Empty. A shell of who he used to be. Tom heard the distant chatter of voices from beyond the door. His whole body tensed up with a paralyzingly sense of fear.

Amongst the discussion, he could clearly hear Pat's voice and nothing that sounded like Tord. That calmed him slightly, but he still didn't move from his fearful position. The door swung open and just Pat stepped in. Pat glanced at Tom with such disappointment, making him lower his head in shame. He sat next to him and they stayed in a tense silence for a while before for he started to speak,

"Edd's coming to get you soon. His soldiers found the red army base today and they won't be wasting any time finding you."

Tom raised his head to glance at Pat, "Wait... were they the ones wearing green masks? If so, I saw them earlier."

Paul nodded in response, "I figured you would. You're more observant than most of the other soldiers."

Tom paused for a moment, seeming deep in thought, "What about you? Aren't you going to leave as well? You can't possibly want to stay here anymore than I do."

"Shit's tough but you've got to make a decision at some point. It wouldn't be wise for both of us to leave at the same time. Tord's already catching onto this whole thing. He may treat me horribly, but you've had to deal with him on a level I can't possibly imagine. Hell, I can't even stand in the same room with him for more than 5 minutes. You deserve to get to safety first. He most likely won't hurt me, but the same can't exactly be said about you after what you just pulled." Pat didn't seem at all thrilled about the prospect of having to stay at the base any longer, but he didn't protest. He seemed calm and collected, something Tom wished he could be.

"Yeah, that was pretty stupid of me. I just- I don't know. I kept trying to not feel anything toward him but I couldn't. I was just so angry. I didn't even think about what I was doing."

"I know what that's like. But I've been able to keep my shit together, for Paul's sake. I miss him so much but I know he wouldn't be impressed with me if I lashed out at Tord like before."

"Before? What do you mean by that?" Tom questioned.

Pat looked down, guilt evident in his tired eyes, "I may have, um, hurt Tord really badly. It was when Edd and Matt first came here. I got angry at him for trying to force you guys into this again, and we fought pretty brutally. After that whole experience, I learned to keep my mouth shut and go along with his plans."

"Sometimes I can't help but feel all of this is my fault. If I never existed, Tord would have never fallen in love with me and everyone I care about would still be able to live normal lives." Tom mumbled, his voice barely audible.

"It's not your fault he's crazy. Edd and Matt would probably be dead by now if you weren't here to keep Tord away from them." Pat stood up and laid a hand on Tom's shoulder, "Don't be so hard on yourself. I've gotta go make sure Tord doesn't burn down an orphanage or something. I suggest waiting a little bit before you leave here again." Pat gave a Tom a small, broken smile and left the room.

Tom moved to hide behind some boxes, just in case anyone came in to look for him. He curled back up into a tight ball, soon falling into an uncomfortable sleep.


Tord was heartbroken.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, almost like someone had stabbed a knife in his heart. Or in Tom's case, a harpoon. He was frozen in shock, unable to even remotely comprehend the idea of him making everything worse. Tears streamed from his cold grey eyes, something he hadn't experienced in so many years. Tord couldn't just let Tom leave like that. What if he got hurt? What if he tried to leave?

山卄卂ㄒ 丨千 丂ㄖ爪乇ㄖ几乇 ㄒ尺丨乇 ㄒㄖ ㄒ卂Ҝ 卄丨爪 卂山卂ㄚ?

  Tord exhaled an uneasy breath, trying to reason with himself.

ㄒㄖ爪 山ㄖㄩㄥ' 乇尺 ㄥ乇卂 爪乇. 卄乇 Ҝ几ㄖ山丂 山卄ㄖ 卄乇 乃乇ㄥㄖ几 ㄒㄖ

An immediate smile made its way to his psychotic features as he tried his tears. He finally left his office to search for Tom, thinking of punishments as he did so. He was horribly incorrect if he though this behavior was going to go without repercussions. Tord sighed softly as he walked out into the hall, gazing around with boredom. Pictures of different leaders before his time lined the walls, all with matching stoic yet almost prideful expressions. They seemed to stare into Tord, like they too knew he was doing the right thing.

Keeping Thomas to himself.

Letting no 乃ㄖ ㄒㄖㄩ匚卄 卄丨爪.

乇ㄒㄒ丨几 尺丨 ㄖ千 丨丂ㄒ尺卂匚ㄒ丨ㄖ几丂.

They understood that he was making things better, and soon Tom would too.

Tord wandered from room to room as he called out Tom's name. But of course, there was no answer. He was just about to start threatening Tom when through a crack in a door, he spotted a small male asleep behind some boxes. He knew instantly who it was and rushed over to them. He gently picked up the bony body of his beloved, Tom. The shorter male looked exhausted and he didn't even flinch when Tord picked him up. He walked back to his room, soon laying Tom on the bed and pulling the covers over him. There would be time for punishment once his love was well rested.

"Sleep well, kjære.~" Tord purred as he closed the door.

Too bad he didn't stay long enough to see the plethora of green army soldiers climbing in through the window. He certainly wouldn't be pleased once he found out what they would soon do.

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