Ending 2: Forever

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This took forever to post-

Also, this is the second of two endings for this book. This is supposed to be the more light hearted one, or at least I tried to make it that way lmao.

The night seemed to drag on for a million years. All he could do was pace, waiting for the doctors to be done. Tears pooled at his eyes but he couldn't cry. Shock still paralyzed his body and each breath he took made his chest ache.

The only person he'd ever loved had tried to kill himself in front of him. Each time Tord closed his eyes, the memory of Tom's sprawled out, bleeding body on the cold wooden floor haunted him like nothing ever had.

He knew this was all his fault. He'd tried to protect Tom, only to find out that all his efforts had only made things worse. Nothing could take back the terrible things he'd done. All he could do was desperately try to fix what was left.

Speaking of which, he'd let Edd and Matt go back to their army. Matt, he didn't have much of a problem with. The male was so scared of Tord by that point that he did as he commanded without a second thought.

Edd was a different story. He'd fallen in love with Tom. He'd separated them. He'd tried to kill him. He knew they would never be able to see eye to eye.

So he sent them away, figuring that would put an end to all of this. He would've consulted Tom if he wasn't surrounded by doctors and in the middle of surgery, but due to those circumstances he just did what he thought was best.

Tord was really starting to doubt his judgement.

Nonetheless, he waited outside Tom's hospital room with his face buried in his hands. He ignored anyone who passed by him, only speaking to nurses and doctors who came to update him on his condition.

Nothing else in the world seemed to matter. All he wanted was to hold Tom in his arms and tell him that he finally understood that all the those times, he was in the wrong. He wanted him to know that he was trying to make this right again. Most importantly, he wanted him to know, even if it was for the last time, how much he truly cared about him.

He closed his eyes. If he concentrated hard enough, he could still feel the intense warmth of flames in front of him, the spray of blood and decay on his uniform coat.

Eduardo's execution. In hindsight, it did nothing. Sure, it freaked out a couple of people. But it only gave Edd more power, more people rushing to his side in order to defend themselves from the monster he had become.

He remembered the sleepless night that followed. Hugging Tom's trembling body so tight, ignoring the silent sobs that left him. He had the audacity to believe he was doing the right thing.

Back then he didn't see Tom as much more than something he owned. Sure, he valued him. Only he did so like you would an expensive painting. Now he realized what an mistake that was.

Tom wasn't perfect, nor was he the idolized version of himself that Tord kept in his head. He was a person with flaws and emotions like anyone else. Even after realizing that, Tord fell harder for him than he ever had before. All he wanted to do was keep him safe, yet he'd managed to fuck that up, too.

Tord wasn't sure how long he stood outside his room, waiting anxiously for one of the doctors to come out. He didn't even try to pull himself together. His 'Red Leader' image wasn't something he gave a shit about right now.

Moonstruck ; Tomtord Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora