35. What the hell are you doing?!

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Lu Cheng asks "How did you know? Did your brother told you?".

Tang Xi folds her hands and turns away facing her back. She whispers irritated "I wish he could have said".

Lu Cheng realizes it wasn't Yuhan and asks curiously "Then how did you get to know?".

She smiles coldly "At least some stranger shows some mercy on me". She walks to her room and lays in bed.

Lu Cheng follows her and sighs leaning on the door. He understands her and waits for her to speak. He knows if he puts pressure, she might be depressed.


1 AM.

Tang Xi wakes from her sleep and gets out from her room slowly. Without making any noise, she makes it to the door.

She gets into a car and calls Yuhan who picks just by single ring.

She asks "Lu Cheng is here but I want to leave. Can you help me?".

Tang Yuhan checks his laptop and frowns "Where are you exactly?".

She says "The car. Black one" staring at Cheng who was walking towards the car. She can swear that he didn't see her yet.

He asks looking at his laptop screen "Are you sure?".

She curses seeing Lu Cheng's eyes on her "Get me out of here Yuhan! I can't stay here until I know the complete truth!".

Yuhan nods "Just drive away. My men will escort you to me".

Lu Cheng frowns seeing a car roaring and is about to step towards it. Before he could do, the car starts moving fast.


Instantly Bran calls Lu Cheng "It's her! Lady Lu is driving it and I have no more control over the gates Cheng".

Lu Cheng was stunned and only watches the car disappeared within few seconds. He watches at the opened gates and the smoke. These are the only evidences that Tang Xi has left!.


Tang Yuhan says "The place you asked to go is abandoned. I already sent my men. There is no one. I already told you. There is no solid evidences so we can't completely punish Han Ron but I know he was behind the accident".

She says "I know too. Meet me there. We will search for a last time personally before coming to any conclusion ".

Both are standing before an abandoned building with Yuhan's men surrounded.

Yuhan nods at her and trails while walking into the building "So?"

She asks while staring before her "What?".

He scratches the back of his head awkwardly "What did you decide? About your life?".

She rolls her eyes "What's there to decide?".

Yuhan squints his eyes with no idea "What do you mean?".

She opens the door of a room which looked like a cabin and says nonchalantly "You know what I mean".

He frowns "So...you forgave him? That fast?".

She sighs skimming some documents "I didn't ".

He nods but asks still confused "So what will happen now?".

She shakes her head irked "Why do you care anyway?".

He whines "Little Sister! I care about you! How can you forgive him so easily when he hide-".

The Devil CEO and Fairy Teacher- Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now