20. To be together ...for real

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Lu Cheng frowns seeing her climbing the stairs difficultly, feels uncomfortable and walks towards her fast.

Tang Xi who has climbed the halfway of stairs and looks before her whining "I hate stairs!!". Now I understand why Po hated stairs! *hump!* I miss watching movies with Ananya ....We would watch Kung Fu Panda together with Jing.

She lets out a deep breath and looks at the stairs seriously. She hears footsteps behind and looks at Lu Cheng 'Shall I ask his help-".

Before she could finish thinking of the question, he lifts her saying "You should have called me Wifey".

Tang Xi wraps her arms around his neck and smiles pursing her lips.

He carries all the way to their bedroom and asks "Do you feel back pain?".

She looks at him, thinks for a second and says "Not much. Only when I stand for a long time".

Lu Cheng nods asking "How about the exercises? Are you doing some or-".

She looks at him darkly and says "I do".

Lu Cheng frowns "But why don't I see you exercising?".

She grits her teeth and warns "You better shut your mouth or I won't go easy on you just because it's your birthday!".

Lu Cheng "..." What the hell?! I was just concerned...

Tang Xi closes her eyes and sighs 'As if he has been monitoring my health personally! He literally fled away most of the time and now ordering around?!'.

Lu Cheng asks "Is your blood pressure normal?".

Tang Xi gulps and looks away "..." What just happened to him suddenly?!. She recalls the blast incident when her blood pressure went abnormal drastically.

Lu Cheng lets her down and asks walking toward the bed to take his mobile. 'I remember reading her reports that her pressure and sugar level were normal'.

Tang Xi says "Its ..".

Lu Cheng smiles seeing the report copies in his mobile "Normal" and frowns seeing her worried.

He tosses his mobile on the bed and holds her shoulder "Don't worry. Its normal. We would be going for the next checkup in few days anyway".

Tang Xi nods sneakily and goes towards the bed 'I wish everything gets normal. I wonder if I could find any books to read here'.

She sits with her mobile and looks at Lu Cheng still looking at her. She shrugs "What?".

Lu Cheng shakes his head, asks "What do you plan to do now?". She would be bored and without her books she would go crazy!.

Tang Xi pouts and looks around the room "No idea!". 'What can I even do?! I don't have my books-'. She smiles thinking of an idea and says "Actually... I have an idea!".

Lu Cheng asks "What?".

She smiles eagerly "Can you get me some books?".

He chuckles "So predictable! Tell me. Which one?".

She stands eagerly and starts searching for something in her bedside table.

Lu Cheng frowns getting a bad premonition "Don't tell me you have list!".

Tang Xi laughs taking out a pen and notepad "Exactly!".

Lu Cheng looks at her helplessly "How could you read so much?! And still be a human?!".

Tang Xi looks at him in smugly and starts to write.

He walks towards her slowly and sits next to her curiously. He twitches his lips 'Why does her words doesn't make any sense?!'.

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