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Trans : I like you

" While others are practicing a power shortage drill, the fingerprint identification system will fail. This is the only chance you get in a year. Class A and Class F have ten minutes to meet. Yuqi! Fighting!" Minnie says, adding a : " the earlier you confess, the earlier you will give up."

Yes! I nod. I'm going to do it for Lucas.
Hearing Minnie mumble the least line, o turn to look at her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

" Students, do you know in Africa for every sixty seconds there is one minute that passes?"

(Class F is meant to be stupid so... this is what the teacher teaches lol)

" 一寸光阴一寸金 寸金难买好邻居。"
(a popular Chinese saying: one inch of time is equivalent to one inch of gold, but one inch of gold cannot buy you time. In this case the teacher changes it to one inch of gold cannot buy you a good neighbour which is wrong 😂)

Tick. A few more seconds left

The shrill ringing of the bell makes Yuqi jump up and out of her chair.

In unison they scream, " there's a fire!"

While taeyong screams , " there's a fire! Protect Yuqi!"

At the same time, Minnie and Shuhua get up and start spraying fire extinguishers in the class.
"This is just a drill, not a real fire!" The teacher screams, but only to be drowned out by all the chaos that is happening.

"Yuqi! Don't worry about us! Go!" Yuqi catches Minnie's gaze and she shouts.

With a firm nod and a thumbs up, Yuqi runs out of the class.

Only to be drenched by a bucketful of water.

"What is this?" Yuqi questions the guy, furious.

"I- I thought you said there was a fire?"
He stutters.

Yuqi stamps her feet and frustration and runs away. Time was running out.

Pausing to catch a breath, Yuqi wiped the water droplets off her Chin.

I hope that door would lead me into Lucas' heart.

The door that was usually locked was wide opened and Yuqi bounded inside. Wandering aimlessly, Yuqi searched the hallways for any sight of him.

That was when she saw him.

Rushing to adjust her ponytail, she runs after him.

"Wong Lucas!" She shouts, causing him to turn around.

"I am song Yuqi from class F. I like you!" She sincerely says, heart thumping as he looks at her .

"Are- are you willing to accept this love?" She earnestly says, holding out her love letter.

His face is expressionless.

After a while he replies , a smug expression on his face , "Sure."

Yuqi breaks out into a grin as he slowly starts walking towards her...

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