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Trans: don't listen to what they say

" Recently, I went on a trip to Boston. I partcipated in a Swimming marathon. There was this little girl, her name was Kelly. She was suffering from the last stage of bone cancer. That little girl, wanted before her amputation, to experience the feeling of freedom one last time.  Everyone around her told her to not participate, her condition was life threatening.

However she proved everyone wrong. Everything that you think is impossible is just waiting for the day to be completed. As Long as there's faith and persistence, one day you will succeed."
Lucas says.

I stand up in the crowd, giving him a standing ovation.

Ding! A notification about Lucas has arrived. Almost everyone pulls out their phone and looks at it.

"At the airport, Lucas Wong and Kim Yeri were seen together. Suspecting they came back from a vacation in the US. Those two are behaving Super intimately." Minnie beside me exclaims.

I look in front, where Lucas and Yeri have their heads pressed together and are engaged in a conversation.

"They were even wearing a couple outfit!" Shuhua adds.

I look to the floor and sigh. The two power couple. What makes me think a person like him would choose me over yeri ?


"What else can't you do? Lucas ?" I stare at the phone dreamily.

"Song Yuqi! Are you still looking at him!"
Minnie sighs, frustrated.

"He's not worth your time. Besides, do you think a smart guy like him would fall for you? When there's Kim yeri the most popular girl?"
Shuhua adds.

"Just give it up already." They both say in unison, dampening my already Low spirits.

That's when, our table in front of us flies away. A new table is set in front of us.

All of us stare at the person who kicked the table.


"Sis- in law, wash your hands please."
Johnny hands me a basin for my hands.

"T-thank you." I nod.

Taeyong places the largest snow crab I've ever seen in front of me.

Woah! Our mouths are open wide, gaping at the ginormous crab .

"Thank you taeyong! For always making delicious food for us." I gush at the sight of the crab.

He blushes and scratches his head , " it's nothing much. Just some simple stuff."

"Then again, it is not. Simply done for just anyone,"
He finishes it with a rose, placing it into a vial on the table.

"What about us?" Shuhua and Minnie gaze at him expectantly.

"Tea eggs." Johnny and Doyoung hand them tea eggs in a bag.

Proceeding to sit beside me, he looks at me in the eye.
" Dont listen to what she said. To me, you're the best. You are brave, kind not a picky eater," he lists off his mind, "you have a great appetite. You're really really great you know?"

"Really?" I turn to shuhua and ask her.

Instead, taeyong had pushed shuhua aside and sat in her place. "Really." He assures me, " there is no one in the world that would not like a girl like you. Therefore..."

He springs forward, pinning me down onto the table with both hands at either sides of my body. I gaze at him helplessly, caught like a deer in headlights.

"We're graduating soon, shouldn't we grasp the time left. Have the courage to take action. Because if we don't confess our love now, there won't be another chance. Yuqi... I like-"

Cutting him off, I stood up abruptly. "You're right! We should confess now. I'm going to confess my love to Lucas! I want to let Lucas know my feelings before we graduate! Thank you, taeyong!" I bow and thank him before leaving.

Operation confession start.

Operation confession start

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The trio. :D

A/n: I finally updated rly sorry!! The progress of this book will be slow but I'll try my best to be more productive :) thank you everyone for reading !

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