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"Welcome!" She ushers me into the house.

"Aunty, actually the school I'm studying in is also pretty good." I try to explain to her.

"I know! Our big Brother is also studying there. Unfortunately, he's still at the office and hasn't come back yet."
We pass a maid who has a tray of drinks in her hand. I nod and smile at her.

"I heard that a lot of people at school like him!" She continues.

"Really?" Well then I may know him?

"I have always wanted a romantic and passionate Daughter. Why not, you marry our eldest Son?" She clasps my hand and offers.

"Aunty! You cannot make this kind of joke!" I push her hands away, still in shock. "Besides... I already have someone I like." My face turns red as I trail off.

"Even though I've been rejected..." I softly say.


"Lucas Wong! I'm never liking you again!" I say threateningly to his picture, another hand holding a lighter ready to burn it.

"Goodbye!" I bring the lighter to the photo.
As if being repelled by it, I can't bring myself to burn it.

Sighing , I clutch the photos to my chest.

"How can you look so good in every picture?" I cry out.

Walking to my luggage, I bring out a pillow case with his picture on it. My heart intervenes before I can even think about it. " Since I'm throwing them away, let me use it one last time." I promise myself.

I lie down in bed with his face staring at me and prepare to drift off into deep sleep.

"Let's go to sleep now." I Whisper to the picture of him, and proceed to wish him good night.

"Song Yuqi." A voice that sounds like Lucas says.

I look around confused. Could my pillow with the picture be possessed by him?

I check under the pillow and in the duvet, nothing.

"What are you doing?" The voice repeats.

I get up immediately and look at the door, only to find..

Lucas Wong live in the flesh, standing at my door.

"Lucas Wong! Why didn't you knock on the door!" I exclaim, my heart beating abnormally fast at the sight of him.

He saw the pillow.

"W-Why are you here?" I say, embarrassed.

"I knocked. I think you were too intoxicated by my body, and didn't hear it. Besides, this is my house. I should be the one asking you why you are here?" He replies, that smirk still on his face.

"What? This is your house?" I almost scream.

Sealed with a kissWhere stories live. Discover now