15. Meeting Him - H.H. POV

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It has been a few days since Felix confessed to being a little. Me and Changbin were hoping he would show his little side but he hasn't yet. This makes me worry. During our research, we read that when a little does not slip it can put a lot of stress on them. That is the complete opposite of what we want. And we do not know when the last time he slipped was. For all we know he is on the edge of blowing up. We have to figure out something but I do not want to force him to slip. I will if it comes to the last resort but all I want is for my Baby Boy to be comfortable.

"Felix! Baby Boy! Come here for a moment please!" I shout over his game. Changbin had gone out to go buy a few things a while ago. I hear him pause it. Then comes the light pitter patter of his feet. He runs in and jumps on the bed, landing in a kneeling position in front of me.

"Yes, Jinie? You called?" he says, looking at me.

"GAH!!! STOP ATTACKING ME!!!" I squeal into my hands. I can see his confused look. i reach over and pull him into a hug.

"You, Baby Boy, are too cute for your own good!" I say

He lets out a small giggle.

"Okay! Anyways, why did you call me?" he says looking up at me.

"Baby Boy, be honest with me please. When was the last time you slipped?" I say holding him.

He looks up and taps his chin, thinking. "When we played Hide 'N Seek in the house!"

I nod. "Why haven't you slipped since then, Baby Boy?"

I see him blush and he shrugs. "Okay how about you go finish this last round on your game. Then we hang out until Binnie gets back from the store?" I say

He nods again and then gives me a peck on the cheek. He then takes off and I hear the game moments later.

I knew it. I didn't want to force him to regress but it looks like we are going to have to.

I just hope this works out for the best and he doesn't hate us afterwards.

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