1. Hanging Out - No One POV

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"Come on Binnie! You knew I wanted the strawberry one!" Felix whines to Changbin as he eats his mochi ice cream.

"Stop it Lix." Changbin tells him. "I'll give you a bite if you stop whining." Felix smiles cheekily at him and waits. The older sighs and raises a piece of mochi up to the boy's lips with a hand under it to catch any small bits that fall. Felix takes a bite and chews it and swallows.

"Thanks hyung!" He says before turning back to his own ice cream. Changbin nods at him before pulling out his phone to text their other best friend.

Changbin - Italics
Hyunjin - Bold
'Hyunjin, where are you?'
'I'm on my way. I just walked past the stop sign to your house.'
'Okay. Hurry up. Felix got here about 20 minutes ago.'
'Alright, alright I'm almost at your house. Be there in a minute.'

Changbin nods and heads to his door. "Hyunjin is gonna be here in a couple of seconds." He shouts over his shoulder. Just as he opens the door, he sees Hyunjin in mid knock, frozen.

"Hey Binnie!" Hyunjin leans in after a moment and hugs the shorter around his neck. Changbin wraps his arms around his waist, enjoying the boys warmth for a moment, before pulling away and dragging him in, closing the door. He drags him to the living room where Felix is curled up with his feet under his butt, on the couch, with a blanket big enough for 3 covering him.

"Hey Jinnie hyung!" Felix makes grabby hands at him and Hyunjin walks over and hugs him. Felix wraps his arms around his neck, smiling.

"So what movie are we gonna watch?" Hyunjin says as he flops down on the couch, beside Felix.

"Well yesterday we watched my favorite, Skyfall. The day before we watched Felix's favorite, Radio Rebel. So today it's time for your favorite movie. Which one will it be?" Changbin says as he sits on the other side of Hyunjin, facing him.

"Hmmmm. I think I would say Love, Simon." Hyunjin says and smiles. Changbin nods and clicks through Netflix to find it. Once he does Hyunjin pulls the blanket over so it cover all three of them. Felix cuddles into his side and rests his cheek against his shoulder and wraps his small arms around his waist. Hyunjin looks at Changbin and Changbin scoots over so Hyunjin could lean his head on his shoulder. Once he does, Changbin puts his arms around him and rubs his back for a moment.

About 40 minutes in, Felix falls asleep. Soon after Changbin falls asleep too. Hyunjin sits there, smiling. He can hear Felix's soft breathing a and Changbin's faint snores. He moves so Changbin's head is in h8 shoulder and puts his arms around d the two sleeping boys. He leans his head back and looks at the ceiling.

"Why must I like my TWO best friends. They know I am pansexual but it still scares me sometimes to think that if I tell them I like them, they will leave me." Hyunjin thinks to himself. "If only they liked me back. Maybe then we could all just be in one relationship with each other. Wishful thinking, I know. But it doesn't stop me from wishing it would happen."

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