16. First Time - L.F. POV

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[A/N: In this story, Felix is the shortest one. He is 4'9 or 149 cm]

I run off and flop down on the couch. I continue to play my game when I hear the door opening. I hurry and finish my game and jump up. I run to the door and see Changbinnie. I hug him and smile at him.

"Heyoooo!" I say

"Hey Baby Boy. What have you been doing?" he says closing the door and putting some bags down.

"Playing.... games...." I say, trying to peak into the bags.

"Not now! Those are for later. I promise you will get it okay?" he says taking my shoulders.

"Okie. Hyunjin is in our room laying down. Me and him were gonna cuddle when I finished my game but I just finished as you opened the door." I say, pouting

"Well you go shut your game off and I will go say hello to Hyunjinnie. Okay?" he says, grabbing the bags. "Please stay down here until we call you okay?"

I nod and run back into the living room saving my game and beginning to shut it down. I pad around the living room. I can hear them talking in our bedroom. I wonder what about. I flop down on the couch with a huff. I stare at the wall. I can hear them moving things around. Now I really want to know what they are doing. I wait 20 more minutes before I hear the door open. I wait for them to walk in.

"Felixie! Can you come see?" I hear Hyunjin say as the door closes. I jump up and rush to him. Next to him is Changbin, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. Both of them smile at me.

"What did you want me to see?" I say, hugging Hyunjin's side.

"We changed our bedroom up some. We got a surprise for you." Changbin says.

"Will we still all sleep together though?" I say frowning.

"Yes! That isn't changing at all."Hyunjin says, petting my head. I smile and lean into his touch.

"You ready?" Changbin says, putting his hand on the doorknob.

"Yes! Let's go in! I can't wait!" I say, slightly bouncing up and down.

"Okay. Calm down. Cover your eyes." Hyunjin says, patting my head.

I pout but oblige. I raise my hands and cover them. I hear Changbin open the door. Hyunjin nudges me in and I walk.

"Okay, stop!" they both say. I hear the door close.

I stop and keep my hands up on my eyes. I hear them sit down on the bed with a small huff.

"Okay on 3 uncover your eyes. Okay?" Changbin says.

"Okie!" I say jumping some.




I yank my hands down and slowly open my eyes. When I open them, I am facing them. They are smiling at me. I look around and my jaw drops. My eyes go wide.

"W-Wha-What  i-is  t-t-this?" I say, stuttering over my words.

I feel a pull on my wrist and I look down to see Changbinnie pulling me to sit with them. Once I am seated in between them, Hyunjin puts his arm around my shoulders and Changbin puts his arm around my tummy.

"You haven't regressed in a long time, Baby Boy..." Hyunjin says, squeezing my shoulder. Changbin reaches behind us a picks up a box that looks like a house. He hands it to me and nods, motioning for me to open it. I look at see and see one of my favorite places name on the box. "Build-A-Bear!!!" I squeal, slowly slipping. I open the box carefully, pulling out the bear.

 I open the box carefully, pulling out the bear

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"Kittie!!!" I squeal, hugging it to my chest.

"I am glad you like it. It toke me a long time to pick out."Changbin says

"Baby Boy, press his paw." Hyunjin says

I look up at them. I nod and squeeze the paw.

"Hey Baby Boy! It's Jinnie and Binnie! We just want to remind you that we love you for you! Never stop being you! We love you!"

I squeal, hugging it to me chest.

"So what are you going to name it, Baby Boy" Changbin says.

"Candy!!!" I squeal, fully in little space now. They smile and nod. I look around the room, seeing the new baby blue curtains, the fluffy pale pink and mint blankets and pillow cases, the pile of stuffed animals by the side of my closet.

"Do you like it?" Hyunjin says, anxiously.

"Lixie loves it!" I squeal.

"Well there is more, Baby Boy" Changbin says, standing up

"Mowe?!!?" I gasp

They nod and Hyunjin stands. He picks me up and puts me on his hip. He carries me to my closet. Changbin opens up the closet and walks in. Inside there is fairy lights strung up. There is a small tent put up and inside there is a few toys and a couple of stuffed animals. Hanging on hangers are lots of cute clothes. On the dresser, there is a few sippie cups and bottles with a baby blue, pale pink and mint case on the side of them. Hyunjin sees me eyes it and he walks over with me still on his hip. He opens the latch and inside is a large variety of pacis. I smile wide when I see the 2 I had before in with them.

"We found some of your things and we put them in here." Hyunjin says. Changbin walks over with another box and he opens it, holding it out for me to see. Inside is a variety of hair slips.

"Do you like it?" Changbin says. I look at him and make grabby hands at him. He takes me from Hyunjin's arms. I hug him around his neck.

"Lixie wuvs it!" I say, in his ear. I smile at Hyunjin. I hold Candy by her leg.

"Dank chu guys!" I say, yawning. "I sweppy..." 

Changbin carries me out and Hyunjin follows. He carries me to the bed and lays down with me. Hyunjin comes back in a minute later with a bottle with milk in it. He puts it to my lips and I drink it soon falling asleep.

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