5. Let's Party - No One POV

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"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR, FLUFF BALL!!!!" Chan yells. He has an armful of food and a case of drinks in his hand. He can hear Changbin groaning at his nickname. After some scuffling sounds, the door opens.

"I told you not to call me that, Chen!" Changbin says with a huff.

"Say my name like that again and my foot will be up your ass." Chan said, clearly annoyed by the younger. Changbin just shrugs and opens the door. Right after Chan gets the rest of the stuff out of his car, the rest come in. Woojin, Minho, Jisung, Seungmin & Jeongin all come running in. Jisung and Seungmin jumps on the couch waking Hyunjin and Felix up. Woojin closes the door and Minho puts the movies down on the TV stand. While all the chaos goes on, Jeongin hugs Changbin.

"Hello Changbinnie Hyung!" Jeongin says and Changbin wraps his arms around his dongsaeng.

"Hello, Jeonginnie." He says, smiling. "Felix and Hyunjin is on the couch and I am pretty sure they need to be rescued from Jisung and Seungmin."

Changbin grabs Jeongin's hand and drags him over to the couch. He grabs Jisung by his hips and picks him up into the air, taking him off of Felix. Once he puts him down and Jeongin holds him back, he does the same to Seungmin.

"Only I get to do that!" Changbin whines. He flops down in between Hyunjin and Felix, putting his arms around their shoulders, pulling them against him. Jisung and Seungmin pout when both of the boys wrap an arm around Changbin's torso.

The blush on all three boys cheeks are clear as day. Jisung, Seungmin and Chan all look at each other after taking note of it. They smirk and walk into the kitchen.

"What is the plan?" Chan says once Jisung closes the door behind them. "It has been obvious that they all like each other for almost a year now!"

"SHHHHH!!! We don't want them to hear us!" Jisung scolds. "I'm not sure what we can do...."

Seungmin smirks. "I got an idea. The same way I got with Jeongin, Chan got with Woojin and You got with Minho!" He says.

"Games?" Both Chan and Jisung said.

"Yep! For me it was Double Dare. Chan, it was 7 Minutes In Heaven with you and Jisung, it was 2 Truths and 1 Lie." Seungmin says tapping his chin.

"Maybe Truth or Dare?" Jisung says clapping his hands.

"Do you think it will work?" Chan says.

"It has to! I am tired of them being like this when they could be together!" Seungmin says, jumping up to sit on the counter. They nod at him in agreement.

"So how are we gonna set this up?" Jisung say, leaning back against the counter across Seungmin.

"Maybe if we watch a movie first then act like we are bored? We could get everyone to play with us and then start to put the plan in motion." Chan says smirking as he leans against the fridge.

"So who will ask the truth and to which one will we ask?" Jisung says.

"I'll ask and who ever says truth first we ask. But we can't ask once we first start. We need to make it seem discrete." Seungmin says. 

They all nod and grab a drink out of the fridge to make it seem like that is what they went in for.

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