Cha 20: Sports Festival

Start from the beginning

"The first round is an obstacle course"

"Lets see how they fend of against the robots from the entrance exam"

Everyone was off. Todoroki going in full power. He sent a barrage of ice massive zero point robot. Freezing it and running between it's legs.

The others tried to follow but he warned them saying they'll fall apart and so it did.

People began to panic. Saying people could die. Saying the person underneath was already dead. There were two people under those robots. They stood in awe as someone emerged from the wreckage

"LIKE I'D DIE!!!!!" Kirishma shouted as he broke through

"Todoroki that bastard, if it wasn't me someone could have died" he said skin hardened.

"Kirishma Eijiro!" Present Mic shouted out his name and gave a small description of who is and his quirk

"DAMN CLASS A BASTARDS!!!!" Another student rose from the wreckage. His skin was metal. His aura the same as Kirishma

"If it wasn't me someone could have died" he said

"Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu" Present Mic shouted giving the same intro as Kirishma

"Our quirks are basically the same, I already have a hard time standing out" Kirishma shouted as sparkling tears escaped his eyes

"It seems the class that had an experience with the villains are not wasting anytime" look at them go

Izuku was not wasting anytime. He was lucky to get a petition for his capture gear. He always had it with him. It was like a part of him.

He ran and dodged robots. Using OFA full cowling to dodge quickly. Using Razor Extend to help others that were about to be crushed. He went over the zero point robot. Like Bakugou, Tokoyami, and Sero. He used his capturing gear.

Present Mic was shouting intros and Izuku was really wondering why they him a the mic when his already one.

"Would you look at that we have a green Erasure Head in the bunch. Erasure Head what are you teaching your class"

"I didn't teach them anything, they got themselves fired up on their own" he stated

"Oh here we have the next part of the obstacle course"

The students looked in awe and wonder and some faces were deadpan saying when did they have the time to build this. It was the fall. Or as present Mic shouted shouted out.

Tsu-chan wasted no time in gawking and jumped. Followed by others. The first green haired had gone first and next came another. It was as though the person had no fear of heights.

"And here we have Aizawa!!!!!" Presents Mic shouted

"His lean, his fast, he'll take your quirks away or paralyze you, and was forced to jump of high story buildings for training, we have the son of Erasure Head the very man sitting beside me"

"Oi stop broadcasting me and my kid!!!" Erasure Head shouted but was ignored

In the crowd of dumbstruck students came a gleeful laughter. A girl with pink hair and golden goggles started introducing herself and her babies. Her inventions and was off. Causing others to start following.

Todoroki was in the lead. Bakugou close behind using his explosions to keep him air born and Izuku using his capturing gear to swing himself up and over like a freaking spider man.

People in the crowd stared in awe. They were getting excited. They wanted the son of the no.2 hero to be their side kick. They were saying they would have to fight over him to get him.

And finally came the last part of the obstacle race. This was going to be hard. People were already getting close and now Izuku was with everyone.

Bakugou was still air born and reached Todoroki in no time. The two began to fight over being first. Bakugou shouting about declaring war to the wrong person and Todoroki was just trying to stay in the lead.

All of a sudden there was an explosion from behind. The brightness was blinding and from the smoke came Izuku. His skin was hardened and grey.

The crowd cheered as Izuku came blasting forward.

"Aizawa is in hot pursuit, No Actually his taken the lead!!!!" Present Mic shouted

Izuku didn't think this through enough. He had dug up some of the mines and jumped on it. His hardened skin protected him and the blast sent sky rocketing to the front. The two below him noticed and began using quirks to chase after him.

He was losing speed and altitude and he knew that in a matter of seconds while the two still had their quirks they would run pass him. And so he did it

He suppressed their quirks

The two in the lead lost their quirks and stumbled as Izuku fell beside them. Razor Extend still active

All had fallen on mines


The second largest explosion came sending Todoroki and Bakugou flying back while sending Izuku forward.

Now out and away from the obstacle course he ran at full speed. One For All activated and using every bit of strength to run and he was the first to make it. The sounds of explosion and ice behind him was drowned by the cheering of the spectators

"AND IN FIRST PLACE WE HAVE THAT MAN!!!!!!!! AIZAWA IZUKU!!!!!!!!" The crowd cheered and Izuku wiped away a tear knowing he did good

"Erasure Head how you feeling, feeling like a proud dad ain't ya"

"I'm questioning why I'm up here"

Izuku sweat dropped.



Shinsou took a sip out his very expensive cup of coffee. It was from one of the most classiest cafes in town. A single cup cost 5 times the average cup of coffee. He held his phone in one hand and boastingly took another sip of his coffee.

His poor cousin set before him. His face hidden by his shadows that were cast by his hair. The taller purple haired smiled and continued to drink his coffee.

"My money" Izuku groaned

"Why do you have videos of me and Uraraka"

"Thats are secret" Shinsou replied

He threatened he would give these videos to a pink skinned and haired classmate of his if he didn't listen. Izuku feared the pink one. The pink one would tease non stop.

If added with green one who spoke her mind by habit then then it would be really uncomfortable when facing the friend he has a crush on.

But the pink one would tease so much Izuku was sure he would die from embarrassment. Him and his crush would surely die.

And so he listened to his horrid cousin's every request. Joined by his father who was sitting by the said cousin drinking an extra large cup of the delicious coffee.

"I hate you both..." Izuku told them as they gave that horrid grin

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