I asked Paul for a car and told him that I'd drive myself.

He didn't think it was a good idea but I persuaded him.

As soon as I left the show venue, I headed straight to the rendezvous point and picked up the lad.

He was even better in person but still very far away from Niall.

When we got to the hotel, we made our way through the back entrance.

I was still Niall's boyfriend to the public and I didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to myself.

We got to our room and I unlocked the door getting in after my guest.

I led him to the living room and we sat down on the sofa. I then turned on the Telly.

"So you and Niall broke up or..." The guy asked.

I looked at him with an angry expression.

"That's none of your business. And whatever happens here is a one time thing. You understand?" I growled.

"Hmm dominant. I like that." He said licking his lips.

"I asked you a question." I said in a deep voice.

"Of course I understand. It's not like I'd like to get attached to you. I don't do relationships."

He said and I rolled my eyes.

"You seem tense. How 'bout some alcohol to loosen you up a bit huh?" He stood up and walked to the bar.

"I don't need it. I'm gonna go take a shower." I said.

He waved me off and I headed to the bathroom.

I spent almost an hour just standing under the cold shower water.

Maybe I was stalling.

After a minute I got out and dressed in sweats without a shirt.

I walked out and found the boy dancing to some song that was playing on TV. Then I noticed that he was drunk.

Did I take that much time in the shower for him to even be drunk?

I cleared my throat and he looked at me then he straddled my lap after I sat down and crashed our lips together hungrily.

I kissed him back immediately.

Soon we were heavily making out and I had taken off his shirt making us both half naked.

Before I could stand up and carry him to bed, the door opened and the boys came running in.


Fucking cock blocker.

The poor lad scrambled from my lap and stood up picking up his shirt and slipping it back on.

"You can leave now." Zayn said and Liam opened the door and held it waiting for him to leave.

He turned to me and pecked my lips then whispered in my ear.

"At least you are a good kisser. Hope to finish this some day." He smirked.

The glares of the boys not bothering him 'cause he was drunk.

"I don't think so." I said.

"I know. A deal is a deal. I'm leaving now." He winked and left.

Liam slammed the door making me jump.

"Seriously Harry." Liam started.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. How can you hook up with a person when you have boyfriend!?" Zayn yelled.

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