Chapter 20

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"Release!" Uraraka yelled.

Jagged rocks fell from the sky towards the villains standing there.

"Ah!" The villains yelled as the rocks trapped them.

"Now Pinky!" Togata yelled as he and Ashido stood at each side to trap the villains.

Ashido created a line of acid and connected it to the buildings so that the villains couldn't escape.

"Good job you two." Togata said with a big smile.

"Thanks!" Ashido said and bounced excitedly.

"Thank you." Uraraka said with a small smile.

"Let's leave it to the authorities." Togata said after the authorities came in and took the villains away.

The three left to go the Nighteye office. When they got there they met up with Bubble girl and Centipede. They walked in and Uraraka took off her helmet while Togata took off his mask.

"We are going to head back to school Sir." Togata said and stuck his head into Nighteye's office.

"Alright see you three tomorrow." Nighteye said and smiled at Togata.

"Good night Sir." Togata said and walked out to change.

Ashido and Urararka walked into Nighteye's office after changing and gave him a hug. They smiled while Nighteye questioned what they were doing.

"Thanks for everything. We will see you tomorrow." Uraraka said and let go while Ashido gave him one last squeeze before letting go.

"Bye Sir Nighteye!" Ashido said and walked to the door with Uraraka.

"See you two tomorrow." Nighteye said dropping his guard.

By dropping his guard he accidentally used his quirk and saw into Uraraka's future. What he saw was definitely frightening. He saw Uraraka and all her friends dead on the floor. He flinched slightly at the thought of these two girls dead. He starred at where they were and looked away as fear started to come. Togata came in and saw Nighteye with a worried look in his eyes.

"It's there something wrong Sir?" Togata asked with worry.

"Um...yeah actually. Please keep an eye on those two. Something bad is going to happen." Nighteye said.

"Yes Sir." Togata said with a nodded then headed out with the girls.

"Hey girls how did you enjoy it today?" Togata asked.

"Good!~" Ashido said with a wide smiled.

"It was great. Sir Nighteye is a very amazing person!" Uraraka said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Ashido said jumping into the air.

"I can't wait to get back and see Eri!" Uraraka said with a smile.

"Oh yeah how is she holding up?" Togata asked.

"Good! She is getting used to things but she made friends with Shinso and Shirogane." Uraraka said with a smile.

"Is that so? Well good for her!" Togata said as they got to the train station.

"Let's just hope they haven't done anything stupid."


-Earlier that day-

"So Midoriya how are we going to catch the girls?" Todoroki asked.

"Easy. Set up a trap." Midoriya said.

"All we have to do is capture someone or something they care about." Midoriya said with a grin.

The Tale of the Hero and the Villain (a My Hero Academia fanfic) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now