Chapter 1

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Third person POV



"Uraraka are you ok?"

"I'm fine Deku. I'm really going to miss you."

"Yeah I'll miss you too."

"Come on Uraraka we don't want to be late. Ribbit."

"Ah! Right Tyu!"

The time is currently 7:00 in the morning the 1-A dorm has been busy right now. Why? Well the girls are going on a trip with Midnight for a girls week that the principal thought they needed. Class 1-A's girls were the only people going though. They all met in the lounging area the girls having their bags all packed and ready to go!

"Don't do anything stupid while we are gone." Yaoyorozu said to the boys.

"Don't worry Todoroki and I will keep everyone in check!" Iida said with his wild hand gestures.

"Right. You girls go have fun and relax." Todoroki said.

"Be careful we don't want any of you getting hurt!" Kirishima said with a wide smile.

"Yeah. Stay safe and don't worry about us we can handle ourselves." Tokoyami said as Dark Shadow nodded.

"Don't wreck the place." Jiro said bluntly.

"Have some faith Jiro!" Kaminari said as Jiro rolled her eyes.

"Ok we are off then!" Mina said energetically.

"See you guys in a week!" Hagakure said with happiness in her tone.

"Alright girls time to get going!" Midnight said standing outside.

"Right!" All the girls called back.

"Bye everyone!" The girls said then left.

The boys all sighed and went to their rooms to change for school. Mineta was about to go into one of the girl's rooms but the guys made sure the girl's rooms were locked so he couldn't get in. The boys all headed to school and sat in their desks. For Midoriya it felt weird without the girls around chitchatting with each other or with the other guys. The door slide open and the boys saw a rare sight! Aizawa without his sleeping bag! Aizawa walked in and stood at the podium.

"Alright boys. I was holding back since the girls were probably stronger and I didn't want your egos to get knocked down but now I'm going to train you all till you break." Aizawa said in a serious tone.

The boys all flinched at how intense Aizawa was even Bakugou and Todoroki flinched! The boys stayed silent and waited for Aizawa's instructions.

"Get dressed in your costumes. Since you all have Hero licenses All Might and I will take you all out on patrol." Aizawa said.

(A/N: Bakugou and Todoroki pasted the test and now have their license)

"Right!" Some of the boys said.

The boys all grabbed their cases with their costumes in them and headed for the changing room. The boys all talked while they were changing and headed out to the front of the school to meet Aizawa and All Might/Toshinori. Toshinori was in his true form since everyone knew he had a true form and a hero form.

"Good morning everyone." Toshinori said as they started going off the school grounds.

"Good morning All Might!" Midoriya said with excitement.

"Good morning young Midoriya." Toshinori said.

"So today we are going around on patrol we will split up into two groups and take either uptown or downtown. We will meet in the center of the city. Got it?" Aizawa explained.

"Yes sir!" The boys all said.

"Ok now for the teams. Going with All Might is Midoriya, Iida, Bakugou, Ojiro, Kaminari, Tokoyami, and Sero. The rest are going with me." Aizawa said.

"Right!" The guys all said and split up.

Team Eraser took downtown and Team Might took uptown. Bakugou stayed quiet the whole time as they patrolled the uptown area. Midoriya and Iida talked with each other as Sero and Kaminari suck with Bakugou. Ojiro and Tokoyami were talking strategy with each other since they have pretty powerful quirks. Toshinori kept his eyes open for any suspicious activity around. After a while they decided to head to the center to meet Aizawa after nothing really happened. They all sat at the park and talked with each other. Bakugou just put in little comments during Sero and Kaminari's conversation. The wait was longer then Team Might thought and Toshinori felt like something bad happened. So Team Might went downtown to find Team Eraser. As they all walked they noticed that there where scratch marks on some of the buildings. Bakugou went close to examine the marks and realized that Kirishima made them.

"These are Kirishima's marks!" Bakugou yelled out.

Kaminari and Sero walked over to take a look at the marks. The marks seemed to be in a random and frantic.

"Something must of happened Kirishima would never damage property without a reason." Kaminari said.

"The marks seem frantic and random..." Sero trailed off as Bakugou's eyes widened.

"Do you think something happened?" Midoriya said.

"That is possi-" Iida said but stopped mid sentence.

They boys all looked at where Iida was looking and saw that there were marks that spelled 'HELP' Kirishima seemed to have wrote that but in a rush. Toshinori stepped forward and stepped on something. Toshinori looked down to see Aizawa's goggles snapped and bloody. He flinched and picked up the goggles.

"They were ambushed." Toshinori said coming to a conclusion.

"Are you sure?" A voice said behind the group.

They all turned around to see Aizawa and some of the students there with creepy smiles on their face. Toshinori stepped forward to protect his students. Aizawa activated his quirk and stopped all the students quirks except for Tokoyami and Ojiro since their quirks were apart of them. After fighting for about an hour, which was difficult for the students, they were taken down and taken to an abandoned warehouse. There they came face to face with Tomura. Who was holding a device at the group with a big smile.

"Welcome to the villain side." Tomura said and shot the blaster at the group.

They all woke up at the League Of Villains' bar. Midoriya grabbed his head as it throbbed giving him a headache. He groaned in pain and saw all of his classmates their in suits.

"Morning Midoriya." Iida said with his hand gestures.

"Ugh my head." Midoriya said.

"That's understandable." Iida said as Dabi walked in holding a suit for Midoriya.

"This is yours." Dabi said and handed the suit and black gloves to Midoriya.

"Thanks...Uh..." Midoriya started.

"Dabi." Dabi said and walked to the bar.

"Hey Izuku!" I bubbly voice yelled causing the said boy to flinch.

"Hello...?" Midoriya questioned.

"Toga!" Toga said with a bright smile.

"Hey Psycho leave him be." Dabi said.

Toga giggled and walked over next to Dabi. Midoriya got up to change as Bakugou walked in with a bite mark on his arm. Midoriya noticed but said nothing as he walked out. He changed into his suit and walked back into the bar. Dabi walked over and led Midoriya to his room.

"This is where you will be staying there is a sprinkler system in the whole building we put that in incase Bakugou did anything stupid." Dabi said.

" what are we going to do today?" Midoriya asked.

"Don't know it's up to hand boy." Dabi said as said boy walked into the room.

"Glad to see your up." Tomura said.

"What are we doing today?" Midoriya asked.

"That's up to you. My boss, All for One, wants you in charge." Tomura said.

Midoriya smiled wickedly.

"Then let's go wreak some havoc."

The Tale of the Hero and the Villain (a My Hero Academia fanfic) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now