Chapter 13 - Something interesting happened...

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// Rob's POV \\

"They... Are okay with it..." I smiled, putting an arm around Preston's shoulders. Preston looked at me, stares into my soul- I mean, eyes. 'Shouldn't we continue?' Preston pouted, still no words coming out if his mouth. "Yeah, guess we should." I chuckled, noticing that the armor I gave to Preston has no enhance or whatsoever.

"Uhm, Preston," I paused, waiting for him to response. "Take of your armor for a second, I'm just going to enchant it if it's alright with you." He tossed his armor towards me, I caught it just in time. "Nice throwing arm," I winked at him, placing the enchantment table down. Chest plate, boots, Protection I. Pants, Projectile Protection I. Helmet, Aqua infinity I, Protection I. Good enough. "Here, all good now." I said, handing him the enchanted iron armor. I hope he's not feeling awkward with me. "So, uh, you're okay with me... you know, that I love you and everything...." I took a deep breath, it was so difficult saying that. Preston just stared at me with - 'Of course, duh.' -look that I always get from him. "It's almost night time, let's head to a cave or underground." I sprinted as Preston acted like a torch, he glows even at day time, so, source of light right here.

"Preston," I took a deep breath, arriving in the cave we just found. "You know that when you found me earlier, I have already surrendered, I was about to give up and let Ryan kill me, since he's actually the one closest to us right now, as far as I know," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "And, by the way, are you feeling better now? No more nauseas? No more cold temperature? No more headaches? No more illness?" I asked never ending questions to him, and he just shook his head, only vocal chords, that's all? Thank God.

Well, that's not good enough for a response for me.

I placed my hand on his forehead, making sure that he's actually fine. "Nope, you aren't." I frowned, he has the same temperature as myself, and if you're Preston, that's still cold for a lava mob. "You're not in your right temperature, My Gawwd!"

"Let's just mine is separate ways, and just... Ugh... Where is it?" No, really, I can't find that er- Headset, that's it! "HNNNG, OH THERE I FOUND IT!" I exclaimed, I placed it on Preston's head, it's a headset with a microphone, like that dude called, what's his name again? Ty! That dude! It's similar to that one, and it looks like it fits perfectly.

"Just scratch the microphone when you need help or something."

I started mining - The staircase way, going down. Preston mined on the opposite side on where I was mining, so we won't bump into eachother while we're both underground. "So, found anything good yet?" I asked, even though I know that I won't get a response from him. "Er, sorry for asking, I've been alone for too long..." I made an excuse, which is actually true. I was alone for two hours and thirty minutes, who wouldn't want company after that? "Just at least let me know your presence over there." I pouted. I suddenly heard him eat a pork chop that I gave him earlier. "Thanks for the company there, Preston." I chuckled, as he continues to eat a ton more of pork chops.

Scratches from the other end are heard from Preston.

"Yes, Preston? You need something, babe?" I asked, calling him babe. It isn't really awkward for the both of us calling eachother 'babe' or 'baby' we're actually used to it. "Alright, I'm coming over there, right now, running down the staircase!"

I ran through Preston's made staircase, not my best idea. And guess what happened?

I tripped.

Yeah, I know, right? Why would I even do that?

I even messed up on how I sprint. GG Woof, GG.

I stumbled and still kept falling, I didn't noticed that Preston was also going up while I was falling down at the same time, so in other words, I kind of fell on top of him and we ended up stumbling down to bedrock. And the worst part is, the position we ended up. I'm on top of him, and our faces were inches away from eachother, and I can feel heat from my cheeks, as well for Preston, the heat around him makes it even more nerve racking than it should be.

Preston suddenly leaned towards me, causing for our lips to touch. I don't know what's going at first, but I loved it. I kind of kissed back... Passionately, I'm quite enjoying it. I don't know why he kissed me in the first place, maybe it's the perfect time, and I should enjoy it while it lasts. Preston wrapped his hands around my neck, trying to pull himself towards me. Preston pulled away and stared at me in the eyes, then realized what just happened.


[Ah, true love's kiss always cures everything, eh?]

Wait, did he just yell? Did he just gain his voice back? His wonderful, sweet, beautiful voice. It's baaack!

"Preston, your voice!" I pointed out, hugging him. "W-was that the cure?" I asked, looking directly at him. "I don't know..." he hesitantly answered. "...I don't regret it though." he looked away, smirk on his face. "Oh sure you didn't! C'mere you...!" I pulled him in for another kiss, and this time, he's the one who's shocked, but he enjoyed it as for what I can tell. Preston has the same reaction as me, and he gently pushed me on the wall and pinned me there. "I wanted to do this ever since...." he pulled away, and whispered into my ears.

[Developers] Turqmelon - I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING

[Developers] Turqmelon - BYE

Wait, oh no. This is so embarrasing. Turq just saw Preston and I... Oh My God. I think we literally scared him away. "Uhm, Preston..." I said awkwardly, trying to make this not sound embarrassing as shit.

[PizzaNooch] PeteZahHutt - OH MY GOD WHAT

(A/N if you're confused, Turq whispered something to Brandon. That's allowed but not anything about the game; if other players are near you or giving you hints on where other players has, if they have enhance or whatever.)

Turqmelon left [UHC 4]

[UHC] 7/25 players

"We just scared him away, didn't we?" Preston asked.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." The blush on my cheek went to the shade of crimson red as for what can feel.

[#Merome] BajanCanadian - What the hell was that all about?

[Ninja] xRpMx13 - What just happened?

[StarCraft] CraftBattleDuty - Let me quote on what Turq said earlier 'Been watching you two-- Rob & Preston.'

[PizzaNooch] PeteZahHutt - Congrats, guys! (You know who you are) :D

[StarCraft] Vikkstar123 - ...Oh...

[Pooflessss!] Woofless - Turq I swear...

[Pooflessss!] TBNRfrags - TUUURQQQ

I don't know if I find this funny or not, but I kind of burst out laughing after Turq left UHC. Preston even joined me, I can at last hear his sweet voice again.

"Ha... I love you so much, Preston."


I am squealing right now, you don't even know.



I'm here to protect you - Poofless FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora