Prologue <3

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UHC Love -Prologue


"Come on, Rob!" Preston yelled at his team mate, well known as the chocobo bird, Choco. "Did you just called me 'Rob'?" Choco asked as he ran towards Preston. "No," Preston chuckled as he scouted the plains. "No one is here, we need to get in a cave or somewhere safe, it's becoming night time again, Choco." Preston sprinted north, straight into a mountain.

"Are you sure we need to?" Choco asked as he followed the lava mob, unsure of what his partner is doing. "Of course, Choco! Have I ever doubted you before?" Preston smiles and he started mining the side of the mountain. "Well..." Choco started, making out words. "Don't answer that question." Preston laughed as he encased theirselves in the mountain where Preston mined. "We'll be staying here for a while 'til daytime, you got that Rob?" Preston asked, not even thinking of calling his team mate 'Rob' again.

Choco thinks this is cute, all is in Preston's mind right now is Rob. Choco couldn't help to start chuckling at Preston's actions. Preston started strip mining downwards, the staircase one. "Preston, where are you?" Choco wonder, the lava mob disappeared. "Over here, Woofless!" Preston called as Choco went down to where Preston mined. Choco couldn't help it this time and just burst out of laughter, Preston didn't noticed how he called Choco 'Rob' again.

"What are you laughing about?" Preston asked, looking around at the cave he just found. "N-Nothing, nothing," Choco smiled, following Preston. "Okay, let's just barricade these open paths and let's head..." Preston stopped, to think. "Uh, this way!" Preston pointed as he sprinted towards that direction. "This way, Woofless, and by Woofless, I mean Choco the Chocobo." Preston blushed, realizing he called his team mate 'Rob' again. "D'aww..." Choco cooed as he sprinted to Preston's side. "Does Presty miss his Robert?" Choco baby talked Preston. The Lava mob just sighed and frowned.

Is Preston really just concern for Rob, or is this another feeling called... love?



That prologue doooe! Hope you're enjoying!




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