Chapter 1 - Welp.

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UHC Love - Chapter One


❄Preston's POV❄

I'm so stupid! I keep calling Choco, 'Rob'! What is wrong with me?! I feel so sorry for Choco that he's stuck with me for the next millennium!

"Preston, there's a skeleton to your left." Choco warned, his feathery wings pointed to the dark corner. "Huh, what?!" I was so distracted, ashamed of myself, I didn't think fast enough, I took two hearts of damage. "Woah! Is that skeleton holding an enchanted bow?" I asked, realizing that it is an enchanted bow. "Yeah, I think it is, it looks enchanted to me." Choco examined the bow from the skeleton. "That's sick!" I yelled. "Can they drop those when they get killed?" Choco asked, being the noob he is. (I'm not being mean, he admitted he's a noob) "Yeah, but there is only a very low chance of a mob to drop those rare things." I explained as I patted Choco's back.

"Why are you patting my back?" Choco asked as he looked at me funny. "Choco, I'm doing this." I turned to face the skeleton, mining off the cobble stone we placed earlier. "Don't say that!" Choco exclaimed, flailing his wings rapidly. "I have to..." I paused as I stood on a cobble stone. "FOR TEAM KWEH!" I yelled, charging at the skeleton. I places a few hits on the skelly with my iron sword. "It didn't drop the bow, though." I frowned, feeling disappointed. "I'm sorry, Woofless." my head turned to face the floor. I heard Choco laughed again at my stupidity, calling the Chocobo, 'Woofless', again.

Choco and I went to different paths this time, covering more ground, finding more resources. "Oh, no! I have mining fatigue! I need water, quickly!" I yelled, I panicked and ran, looking for a water source. "Choco! I can't find any water source, do you have any sterile water bottles?!" I yelled, grabbing the Chocobo on the shoulders and shaking him uncontrollably. "Y-Yes-s!" Choco replied as he dropped the sterile water bottle on the ground. "Thanks, Woofless!" I smiled as I calmed down. I blushed at my stupidity, calling him 'Woofless', again.

"I'M SORRY CHOCO! I CALLED YOU WOOFLESS AGAIN!" I apologized, as I shook my head. "It's okay, man. You didn't cause any harm." Choco chuckled, patting my back for comfort. "Wait, Choco, hold on, I'm going to look who's left." I paused and opened the compass, seeing the remaining players.

"Woah! Rob's at 100 health!" I gasped. "Really? Do we still have a chance to win?" Choco's eyes wide open, being negative. "We still do, Choco my boy!" I exclaimed. "Should we now head up? It might be day time now, we're wasting time." I said, going back to where we are earlier. "This way, Woofless, to victory!" I yelled, calling Choco 'Woofless', again.

Choco chuckled at my behavior as he followed me. "Stop laughing before I turn you into a Kentucky Fried Chocobo." I joked, breaking the cobble stone that I placed earlier, checking if it's day time. "It is daytime, but the sun is almost down in a few minutes! Choco let's go slay some people and win the UHC!" I yelled, running to the open fields.

I slowed down as I realize something.

"The chat is completely silent, what happened to them?" I asked as I looked at my compass. "I don't know." Choco replied. "Try contacting someone and maybe they'll answer." Choco exclaimed, I flip open the compass and saw the remaining players;










(I think those are left before Preston and Choco died, right?)

"Who do you want to contact...?" Choco asked like he doesn't have a clue. "Uhm..." I stood silent as I tap at Woofless' name and started typing a message.

"Rob, where the fudge are you?" I typed in. Choco chuckling at my language. We waited for about a minute and he replied. "I wont tell you, you'll probably kill Icky Vikky and I. :c" I frowned, I really wanted to meet up with him, to make sure he's safe.

"It's okay, Preston, you'll see him later." Choco smiled, patting my back. I forced a smile on my face. "You're right, Choco!" I yelled sprinting to the mountain side and started mining a dent on it. "We're gonna camp here for the night?" Choco asked as he followed me. "Yeah, just for the night." I answered. "So, I'll just mine for more coal and you do something else, okay?" I commanded as Choco nodded back.

I'm staircasing down to find coal, and man was this difficult. "Where are the coal at?!" I raged as I staircased more deeper. "If you can't even find coal, and then there's somethung wrong with you." Choco chuckled. "Thanks for answering my question." I said as I rolled my eyes. I placed another torch as the torch broke turned to lava and the lava disappeared. "Huh?" I wondered as I saw Hyper came down my staircase-thingy.

"WHAT?! I'M BEING ATTACKED!" I yelled as I got two-shotted by Hyper.

TBNRfrags was slain by Hyperdarkness

"Preston! What should I do?" Choco asked as I stil can hear him through the earpiece. "Try going to him, he's probably low." I suggested as Choco came to the staircase on where I am and tried dueling with Hyper, which turned out badly.

Vincenzio was slain by HyperDarkness

[Team Kweh] has been eliminated

Six teams remain

"I should have dumped lava at him..." Choco suggested, which is too late.

"Aww, Choco..." I frowned, looking into his eyes. "It's okay, dont be sad, you made it so far for this being your first official UHC!" I cheered up, patting the Chocobo's back. "You're right!" He smiled, ear to ear. "Now let's celebrate by going to KFC, Kentucky Fried Chocobo." I smiled, joking him. I know how much he hates us saying that, but he knows that it's all just a joke. So we're fine.

"I'm going out the arena now, are you coming, Preston?" Choco asked, but I just shook my head. "You sure?" He asked again as I just shook my head again, signaling a 'no'. "Okay, then. See you later."

After a few minutes staring at the grass, I opened the compass and checked on Rob and Vikk. "Woah, they are actually doing good." I whispered, even though I know that they won't hear me.

Suddenly, out of no where, Taz suddenly appeared behind them. Rob and Vikk aren't that ready, I'm afraid on how this will go. I saw Pocket and Famous are fighting Rob and Vikk. Vikk was 2v1ing them, making them low. And Rob was behind them, making to the fight safely.

Vikkstar123 was slain by PocketIsland

"Vikk!" Rob gasped out. Biting his lips as I can see that he is shaking. After that, Rob pulled put his Iron sword and charged at Famous.

FamousFilms was slain by Woofless

PocketIsland was slain by Woofless

[FamousPocket] has been eliminated

Five teams remaining


This is the start of the whole fanfic, hope you guys are enjoying the first chapter so far, and hope that I will update again, just because it takes me long to update a story. ^^;

And P.S. if any of you guys are confused that it's not like the real UHC, I changed it cause that's how my story goes. So, I'm sorry not sorry for any confusions.



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