Chapter 8 - It's not your fault, Rob-a-dub-flob!

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❄ Rob's POV ❄

"We're starting now?" I asked, why now? Can't they see that Preston is in a 'can't talk' condition? This is just absurd. "Yeah, we are." Turq butted in. "We've been waiting for Preston and you for far too long," Mitch said, losing his patience. "We must start."

I glanced at Preston, his eyes are closed and no signs of him getting any warmer.

"Preston," I called, him turning to me. "Are you sure you can do this?" I asked, he just lied there, still, head on my lap. "If you can't, I'll just carry our team in solo and carry on from there." I sighed. I really wanted to do an Ultra Hardcore alongside with Preston. You know, him and me, alone for 3 hours... And you might not know, we may win. But oh well, I think this is for the best.

Preston shook his head, signaling a 'no'.

"Come on, Rob. If Preston wants to, you don't have to make him do what he doesn't wants." Jerome pointed. I do want Preston to be happy, and this might be the only thing that will make him happy. Other than cacti's though, probably.

"Wait. We all haven't gotten to name our Team yet." I pointed out. What would Preston and I's team name is? Come one, Rob. Think!

"It's all under control, Rob." Turq chuckled, making Preston and I curious. "Mitch and Jerome named your team." He said, once again, chuckling. I just shook my head and tried asking them what team name they named for me and Preston. "You'll find out." Mitch smirked.

Oh gosh. I swear, if this team name's is the worst, I'll going to murder Mitch, Jerome and Turq.

"Is everyone ready?"

Turq went to the center and clicked on a button. Everyone got teleported to a forest and waited to be teleported to the UHC arena. I hope that it is a nice spawn filled with trees and a wide open plains beside it.

"Are you ready Preston?" I asked, at least he can stand properly now and he doesn't stubble anymore. But his lava pattern is still off and he still have signs that he's ill. He nodded at my question and still can't talk.

I can't help on what I am thinking. I wanted to hug him while he wait to get teleported. "Preston come with me as we wait to get teleported." I smiled as I take his hand and went above the trees, cause the others are just hanging out below the forest.

I hugged Preston as soon as we got above the trees and it seems like he hugged back to. "Preston, please don't get in so much danger in this UHC, but please, let me be the one to protect you throughout this season." I whispered and put a smile on my face, which also made him smile. 'Okay, Rob.' He mouthed, even though no words came out.

"Woohooo! Jerome, biggums, we're first!" Mitch yelled, fist pumping the air. "SEE YOU SUCKERS ON THE OTHER SIDE!"

"WE WILL WIN THIS! POWER MOVES ONLY BOYS!" Jerome yelled in the last minute before getting teleported.




BajanCanadian (Mitchell)

ASFJerome (Jerome)



AshleyMariee (Ashley)

xRpMx13 (Ryan)


I'm here to protect you - Poofless FFWhere stories live. Discover now