Chapter 6 - P-PRESTON?!

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❄ Rob's POV ❄

I woke up excitedly for the event, I stood up and went around on Preston's side on the bed. "Preston!" I called, he opened his eyes and looked at me, then closed it again. "Preston, wake up!" I shouted. "I just... Okay, I'll be up in a sec, you prepare yourself first." He groaned. I'm not letting him lay there and sleep again. "You're coming with me, mister." I exclaimed, I physically pulled him out of bed and left him on the floor.

"What the fudge?! Why'd you do that for?!"

"I'm not letting you sleep there, I'm certain you're not going to get up and prepare." I pouted as he stood up from the cold floor. "Fine, you got me, you win." He said in defeat. "I will too, in UHC." I winked at him. "Oh, come on. Pete wrecked you yesterday." He chuckled. I glared at him, making me remember my lost from yesterday's event.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh sure you don't, Robbieee!" He squealed, coughing too. That made me worked all of a sudden. "Well, let's prepare ourselves first before going to the UHC arena." I said, preparing myself a meal, same as for Preston. "So, what do you want for breakfast, P-dawg?" I asked. "Oh, uh. Do you have a doughnut and well, hot coffee, perhaps?" He asked politely. Why is he so nice all of a sudden? He would actually command me or tease me first before telling me what he wants, but he is so nice. It's not that I'm complaining, it's just that I cared, and I'm worried about him.

"That's all?" I asked again, he nodded back. I prepared myself an apple and some cold orange juice, and I prepared Preston a doughnut (Dotanut) and his extra hot coffee.

"Preston, breakfast is ready, come over here!" I called as I see him walking towards the table. "Thanks, Rob." He said in a gloomy, soft voice. "Is there something wrong, Preston?" I frowned. "Oh, n-nothing, nothing at all..." He whispered. "May I excuse myself for a sec?" I asked, he nodded again, still not talking.

I walked to my brewing station and took some more of them Fire Resistance potions, I drank it and went back to Preston. "Welcome back, Rob." He said, still in a soft voice. I noticed that his lava pattern isn't the same from last night, something is indeed wrong.

I immediately put my hand on Preston's forehead and felt that his temperature went down. Alot. He's too cold for a lava mob. We might just back out of the event.

"Preston," I called, he looked at me with his pure black eyes. "We have to back out of the event." I frowned. I'm even looking forward to winning this UHC event alongside with Preston. I want to win this for him.

"B-But, why?" He asked, he tried not to yell, and noticed that his voice sounded a bit sore. "Preston, you're in a very horrible case, you're sick, if you put pressure on yourself, something will happen to you. And I'm here to take care of you, I don't want anything happening to you, okay?" I said, trying to control my emotions, I felt like crying, what if he gets send to the infirmary and everything gets worse?

Rob, don't think like that.

I shook my head and the tears are building at the corner of my eyes. "R-Rob..." Preston whispered. "I still want to compete... I want to win... with you..." he whispered in-between breathes.

Preston collapsed in front of me, I caught him immediately. I checked his pulse, there's still a beat. I watched as I stared at his chest, it's slowly rising and falling. "Thank God, he's breathing." I whispered. What should I do? He's like, the only lava mob that exist! No one here is a lava mob expert, nor there is any, just him.

I've been with Preston for an hour now, everyone must be worried. "The event must've started half an hour ago." I whispered to myself, I can hear that I'm upset by the tone of my voice. Why wouldn't I be? The one I love is in front of me, laying on the couch, unconscious. And I missed UHC, like, what the heck?!

"Uhh... R-Rob...?" Preston whispered as he slowly opened his eyes. "Wh-What happened?" He asked again. "Wait, you didn't noticed that you fainted earlier?" I asked. Oh no, God please wake me from this nightmare, I begged of you.

"No...?" He unsurely said. "What's the last thing you remembered?"

"Uhm. I should supposed to be with Choco right now. There's a UHC today, remember, Rob? UHC 3!" He exclaimed. Oh no. He lost his memory from yesterday. "Preston," I said, he looked at me with a grin, his eyes are full of competitive spirit. "We do have an Ultra Hardcore event today," I continued, he just nodded. "But, it's not UHC 3, it's UHC 4." I finished. "B-But, how?!" He yelled. His voice cracked, and it sounded very soar.

"Preston, you were unconscious for an hour!"


"Don't 'Oh' me, mister. I missed the UHC 4 event, to take care of you, so can you just please, please rest?" I pleaded.

"Can you tell me everything that happened first, though?" He said in a soft voice again. Now I'm worried, again.

I told him everything, Pete won UHC 3, Mat got another win, how good him and Choco did on UHC. The epic fight between Pete and I. And about the potion, and the kiss he gave me on the cheek.

Preston and I both blushed on that moment. And he just nodded.

"So, can you now rest? I just told you an hour long story about the UHC 3 event and now-" As I was talking, my phone just suddenly interrupted me. Great. What a rude phone I have.

It's Mitch.

"Hello, Mitch, what's up?" I asked. Geez, I can hear the noise from his side of the call. "Rob, where are you and Preston? We haven't started yet, we're all waiting for you guys. This doesn't run in Mitch time, ya' know?" Mitch said, worried as usual. "Well, Preston is-" Before I could continue, Preston just snatched my phone from my hand.


"I woke up late, Mitchell. Go suck a cactus while you wait for us." Preston lied, he didn't woke up late, we woke up like two hours before UHC. Well, he doesn't remember anything from yesterday, and a bit of today, so I guess that's really not a lie. "Shut up, Mitch. I know, I know! BYE!" Preston yelled as he hang up, giving the phone back to me. Preston put his hand on his throat, signaling that it hurts. "R-Rob," He whispered. "We are going to participate this UHC, whether you want me to, or not." He said. I can really do nothing about this, even if I force him to. I have no choice.

"Fine." I said in defeat.

"You win, we're going."

Preston and I went out. He keeps on losing his balance while walking, I knew that this is a bad idea. He's walking like a drunk Person, this indeed is a bad idea. But, I just can't back out, Preston said that we're going and he already told Mitch. I don't have a choice.

I have to protect him.

I'm here to protect you - Poofless FFWhere stories live. Discover now