Chapter 3

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❄Preston's POV❄

Everyone is here, all of us are here. Every single person that was in the event is here. Even Rob.

I kept glancing at Rob and Vikk as they talk to eachother, and I am certain that they have something for eachother, and that makes me jealous. But if Rob is happy, then I am happy. Even though it hurts me.

"So, Choco, after this let's celebrate and go eat chicken. Okay?" I asked, and Choco shook his head. "Why not?" I asked. "Well, I don't like eating my own kid." He chuckled. "More for me!" I yelled as he looked at me like I'm a murderer. "No, please." He begged, jokingly. "Nah, Choco, I will never do that." I said looking at him as he stoped whining. "Yet." I finished. "Really Preston?"

"Yah, Really." I grinned.

As I glanced at Rob and Vikk again, Vikk pushed Rob over to me. What's this, I'm so confused. "Hey, Preston." Rob greeted, as he waved at me. "Rob! Congrats on making it to the final two!" I said as I hugged him. "Thanks Preston." He smiled as I pulled away. "Uhm, so, Preston, I have something to tell you about..." He said, blushing, making me so nervous. "What is it?" I asked. "Oh, It's uhm..."

"I love....d to be your partner for the next UHC." He blushed, giving Vikk a thumbs up, looking at Vikk who just face-palmed.

"Uhm, sure why not?" I grinned, still confused.

"WHAT?!" Choco yelled, turning to me. "Preston, why?" Choco frowned as he looked into my eyes. "I thought you're still going to be my partner til next event." He whined. "Um, Preston?" Rob asked, I turned to him. "It's okay if he's going to be your partner til next event, I'll just go with Mat for the next event instead." Rob said as he bit his lips, trying not to frown, didn't fool me. "Nah, Choco can take care of himself, I raised him into a fine bird, not like this." I grinned, pushing Choco away from me and Rob. (Preston is mean to Choco, Preston likes Choco to be fried.)

"Are you sure he's going to be fine next event?" Rob asked. "Yeah, him and I made it until the two-hour mark, didn't we?" I smiled as I cherish this moment of Rob asking me for the next event. It's like him asking me for a date. (<3)

"I guess you're right, P-dog." Rob wink as he left me, which made my heart skip a beat.

Did Rob just ask me to be his partner for the next event? Did he just do that? I this like a date? A THREE HOUR DATE. OMG. HNNNG. (Molly, Jess <3) I feel like I'm going to faint. Rob catch me.

I ran to Mat who is talking to Pete, the winner of this event of Ultra Hardcore. "Hey, Pete!" I greeted, and waved at him. "Congrats on the win, man!"

"Thanks," He simply said as I turned to Nooch. "NOOCH CAN YOU COME WITH ME FOR A SEC?" I asked him. "PETE I'LL JUST BORROW NOOCH BABY OKAY?" I grinned as he nodded back. "Thanks! Tata~!"

"So, what's up, Preston?" Mat asked. "ROB ASKED ME OUT!" I squealed, you know those squeals of those fangirls when they see my gorgeous face? Yeah, like that. "Really?! Congrats man!" He smiled. (I know, robots can't smile but hey, he's Mat, I love him) "Well, not like 'hey man, wanna go out?' it's more like 'I loved to be your partner for the next UHC' kind of thing." I grinned as I squealed like a fangirl again.

"Dood, that's not an invite to a date," He chuckled. "It's an invite to be a partner." Mat pouted. "A three-hour date, Nooch baby get it right." I exclaimed as he looked at me like I'm crazy person. "You're crazy," Mat pointed out as he rolled his eyes. "But you're the lava mob we all love." He finished. "Well, duh. I'm the only lava mob that exists!" I pointed out earning a laugh from Mat.

"Oh, shit. You're right." He chuckled as he rested his arm on my shoulder. "Hey, hey. It's 'Shrimp', you cactus jones." I pouted as I corrected the right term for his language. "Yeah, alright. 'Shrimp' then." He said as he flail his arms, mocking me. "DON'T YOU DARE MOCK ME, MAT." I sassed him. "Fine, just do a favour for me, will ya?"

"What is it?" I asked, waiting for an answer. "Just make a move while you guys are alone." He winked, making my flames grow brighter. "Uh... I'll t-try my b-best." I stuttered. "Thanks, bro." Mat smiled as he hugged me. He's one of the few friends I know that can hug me. He's unflammable, assuming that he is a robot, and made of metal.

"Bye Nooch," I waved as he ran off to talk to Pete. "Bye Puurston!" He yelled, rolling the 'r'. "It's PRESTON get it right you pecker!" I yelled back, earning yet another wink from him.


"Will I even tell him?" I asked myself, not looking to where I was going. And I bumped into someone. I looked up and see who it was.


"To all that I could ever bumped into as I was talking to myself, it must be you." I said, putting a smug face on, joking. "Wow, ouch." He joked, putting a hand on where his heart is, acting like he's really hurt. "So, about the UHC event..." He said, my heart is racing.

Will he cancel the partner thing? He doesn't want me to be his team mate, does he? He knew that when him and I are in a team, it will just be awkward, right? He knew that I will just mess things up.

Preston, staahp.

"So, what about the UHC?" I asked, trying to calm myself from all these questions in my head. "It will be held tomorrow." Rob sighed. "WHAT?!" I yelled. "I'm not ready for this, Rob." I whimpered, hugging him. "Preston, it burns!" Rob shouted. "Oops, sorry." I grinned, snapping my fingers as the fire went out at Rob and heals him. "Oh, thank you." He sighed. "You're too hot, man." He said, blushing afterwards, realizing on what he just said. "I know right?" I said, as he just nodded his head.

"I'm just gonna go home and train for the UHC, okay, Preston?" He chuckled. "Sure, Robbie." I winked at him, as he turned around, going home. "I love you Rob! Stay safe!" I smiled as I quickly placed my hand on my mouth. "I love you too, Preston!"

Did I just say that?

Did HE just say that?


Preston just spilled the beans, didn't he? Oh, and when Preston said 'Nooch baby' he's just saying that as friends, I like calling Mat 'Noochy Baby' so I just have to okay? Oh and the 'HNNG' part is for @benja_bacca123 and @Molly_Alice Love you guys. <3 #Poofless


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