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Gabriella's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning in a tight warm grip. I turned around looking up seeing Jack peacefully sleeping making me smile lightly caressing his cheek. I kissed his head before getting out of bed quietly trying not to wake him.

I walked into the bathroom turning on the shower before letting my hair down stepping inside letting the warm water trickle down my body. Once i was done getting cleaned i got out drying my hair putting on a big shirt with some shorts.

I walked out the room before walking downstairs taking out things to make breakfast. While i made some pancakes I felt arms wrap around my waist and light kisses being placed on my neck making me smile

"Good morning" I smiled turning around looking up at Jack

"Good morning beautiful" He smiled caressing my cheek before pressing his lips to mine making me smile when he kissed down my neck making me laugh

"No i just took a shower" I laughed shoving him making him laugh sitting down "Breakfast" I asked as he nodded. I smiled before setting a plate infront of him when i sat down next to him

"So last night happened" He said making me smile

"Yeah" I smiled before looking at him "So why'd you come here last night" I asked

"Because i saw you with Andrew and it kinda made me mad" He said making me laugh

"Theres nothing going on between us he just thought if he kissed me it'd make you jealous" I laughed when i got serious "But us" I said "what happened"

"I know you're probably mad at me and I know what you saw looked bad but i didn't cheat on you i did it to protect you" Jack aaid making me look at him confused

"Protect me from what" I asked

"Things that i can't really explain but when the time is right ill tell you everything" He said

"Why can't you tell me now i thought we won't keep secrets from eachother" I said

"If i tell you Gabby it'll break your heart" Jack said

"Then I'll take the risk" I said before grabbing his hand "No matter what happens or what it is it won't ever change the way i feel about you" I said

"I can't" He said "Not yet"

"Do you not trust me or something" I asked

"No i do I'm just not ready" He said

"Or are you scared" I asked

"No it's just... Complicated" He said when his phone went off "I have to go" He said standing up making me sigh "I'll be back tonight i promise" He said

"You always seem to make a lot of promise more then you keep them" I said

"I'm sorry" He said

"It's fine I'll talk to you later" I smiled before walking out. I walked into my room before closing the door sighing.


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