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Gabriellas P.O.V.

"I'm so tired" Chantel said resting her head on the desk

"That's what happens when you take advantage of drinking" I said making her look at me

"I would come up with a come back but I feel like I'd strain my brain even more cause it hurts so much" Chantel said making me laugh

"Hey guys" Shawn smiled sitting next to me

"Hey Shawny" I smiled squeezing his cheek making him laugh

"So you guys have fun at the party last night" Shawn asked

"Yeah it was cool" Maggie said

"What happened last night Gabby" Wesley asked

"What do you mean" I asked

"You looked a bit spaced out last night coming downstairs" Wesley said

"You know that game that we played last night" I asked as they nodded "well we kissed" I said

"But how if you walked out" Maggie asked

"He came into the room and I don't know it felt weird but right" I said

"You kissed Jack" Wesley yelled making people look this way when Chantel covered his mouth

"You don't need to tell the whole school that" Chantel said making me laugh

"You kissed him" Shawn asked

"I didn't want to it just happened." I said

"Well be careful" Shawn said looking up from his book

"What do you mean" Gregg asked
"Cause.. Jack.. he's complicated" Shawn said "if he wants something he gets it. No matter what the sacrifice is. And I've seen him break girls hearts before that's all" He smiled

"Its not even that type of party" I laughed

"Is he your friend or something" Chantel asked sitting her head up
"Hes my brother" Shawn said

"You have a brother" Wesley yelled again making Gregg slap him upside the head

"Shut up" Gregg exaggerated making me laugh before looking back at Shawn

"Yeah he's my brother. But we really don't hang with the same group so we kinda keep it on the low" Shawn said

"He's not ashamed of you is he" I asked

"No. I don't give him a reason why it's just he wants to be the boss. So I don't stand in his way" Shawn shrugged "But anyways enough talking about Jack" Shawn said making me laugh smiling when the teacher walked in

"Alright everyone take your seats" Our Chemistry teacher said. I walked down the stairs to my chair as Wesley sat on one side of me and Logan on the other

"Before the end of class I'm gonna be assigning you partners for the prohect that's coming up" Mr Brown explained before we took out our books

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