Part 16

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             "We'll star the fire" Sam said as Paul and Jake got the firewood. I snuggled up to Sam to keep worm and Bella just glared at me even more. I just rolled my eyes I'm so done with her right now. Soon the guys got back and they got the fire stated. I looked over at Edward and he seemed stressed out to a howl other level poor guy I feel bad for him. Really I do no lie. I sat down next to Rachel as we watch the guy fight about how to start the fire it was funny to say the least. "you'd think they would have learned to work together by now" I told her "yea I know but hey at least we get a show" she said with a laugh and I laughed with her.

                "Fires done" Sam told Edward as he sat down next to me as Paul stole Rachel from me lol. Edward came over with Bella not touching he must be because he's like all ice. Jake sat close to Bella to keep her from freezing on us Edward seemed put out may this and I don't know why it's not like Jake's in love with her anymore. Bella would try to hug on to Jake but he wasn't having it. Non of us talked but what could any of us say really 'hope you guys don't die in the morning' who says that. My mind keep going back to Nina and Billy if she would be to much for him and Sue with all he energy.

                     "They'll be fine" Sam told me reading my mind like always I smiled up at him. He gazed down at me with a loving smile and nothing but love showed in his eyes I was about to kiss him when "EWWW there are other people here ya know look who I'm talking to like they care" Bella said. "What's your deal leave them alone" Rachel said glaring daggers at Bella. Bella was about to say something when Rachel cut her off "No one cares what you have to say so just keep it to a minimum ok" Paul looked at her with all kinds of love in his eyes hell it was all over his face. I smiled at them he nuzzled her neck and said something at made her blush and smile. "Their cute together aren't they" I said to Sam.

                He smiled at me and said "yea". I was getting sleepy by the fire and Sam noticed at picked me up "someone's sleep we're going to sleep" Sam said. "What she can't walk on her own now?" Bella snapped at him "Oh shut up Bella no one cares what you think" I said. Once in the tent I said "I'm such a baby I'm the first to go to sleep". He laughed at me and said "I like it" "that's kinda sick ya know" I told him like what the hell is he thinking. "no I meant like that yours so cute" he said pulling me closer to him "ok see that I can deal with cute I'll take" I laughed and rested my head on his chest. Soon I fell asleep in his arms.

Next morning:

                  In the morning no one talked to scared to way what's on their minds all but Bella that is. "Thanks guys for doing this for me yea I know I know you don't have to say it I know your doing this out of the deep love you guys have for me" she said looking over at Sam and Jake with a evil smirk on her face then she added "even though I know it kills you guys on the inside that I'm with Edward" "That's it Bella we have to talk" Edward said grabbing Bella by the arm and walked away. "what is that about?" Rachel asked "I have no idea" I told her.

               We looked up at the guys knowing they could hear what they were talking about. "Oh no don't go there you two" Jake said and we looked at each other like who needs him. So we looked up at our guys with puppy dog eyes and they almost caved when Seth came up to the fire. "k you can go their waiting at the clearing" Seth said as I hugged Sam and looked in to his eyes. "I'm scared Sam" I said near tears and I could tell from the other side of the camp Rachael was telling Paul the same thing. "So am I , I don't want to lose you ever Annali" he said as tears went down hid face making me cry into his chest.

               He held me for what seemed like forever but at the same time like it was cut off short when Bella stormed over to us yanking on Sam's should how she did that the world will never know ever. Any ways she pulled him away from me and KISS HIM ON THE MOUTH! Sam pushed he away from him and whipped his mouth clean. Seth was holding me back from killing her. Look like Paul was having a heard time keep Rachael at bay. "Don't you see Sam you don't have to act like you love my sister anymore Edward and I broke up after the fight I wont see him any more you can have me" Bella told him.

             "One: I LOVE ANNLI NOT YOU Two: who cares if Edward left you good for him" Sam said holding me in his arms again "see you soon ok love" he said I nodded he then kissed me with passion and love but at the same time it was a loving sweet kiss. " I love you" he said into my ear "I love you to Sam" close to tears again. Rachael and I watched as Sam and Paul walked away Seth put an arm on both our shoulders. "Nothing better happen to them" Rachael said and I nodded with her. "They be fine.... Now Bella I have to ask this way do you hate your sister-" Rachael cut Seth off "MY sister". "Right why do you hater her so much" he finished with no one cutting in.

              "She's trying to take away what's mine always did even when we where kids Sam belongs to me like the other guys like you Seth she has no right to come here and take what's mine" Bella said. My jaw dropped ok this girl need some meds or professional help. Rachael looked speechless and can you blame her my half sister was a out o her right mind just like our mother, like mother like daughter never seem so right to say till now.

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