Part 14

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                 That goes to show you even if she has three legs she's still a dog a happy one at that. I sat down in the living room couch and she got off of Sam and crawled in my lap like she was a puppy or something. I began to give her a massage on her shoulders and she loved it her eyes closed and she was purring, yes dogs purr too. "Lucky dog if only that was me" Sam said getting up from the floor.

                     I rolled my eyes at him, I'll give him one before we go to bed for the night. After all his doing so much for me that a massage wont hurt any one. Nina began to fall asleep on me and I didn't have the heart to wake her up "Sam can you pick her up...without waking her to your room?" I asked him with my puppy dog eyes. He nodded and did as I asked.

                       Once he got Nina in bed I told him to set so I could give him a massage as well. Sam ends up with his head resting on my chest. He really need one though his shoulders where stiff as they can get. Poor Sam he has a lot on his plate right now. "I could get use to this" he said with his eyes closed. I smiled at him. I could get use to this too. I ran a hand though his hair before I stopped. "I love you Annali" Sam said in a sleepy voice "love you too Sam". I got into bed and so did Sam as Nina toke up most on my pillow. So I put my head on Sam's chest closed my eyes.


                I was with Rachel in Sam's back yard laughing having a good old time when "mommy,mommy,mommy" came from the back door and a little boy that looked a lot like Sam came running to me and Paul was running after him. "yes honey" I said. This is so weird why did I say that to him. Sam came out from thee woods with a smile on his face. " Uncle Paul wont play hid and go seek with me" the little boy said. "It's not safe to play thoughts kinds of games right now sweetheart but I bet Uncle Paul would love to color with you or something isn't that right love" Rachel said looking over and Paul.

            He nodded smiling lovingly at her, I just so happy that Rachel and Paul are together they'er so cute. Sam came up to me and the boy "Daddy" the little boy said jumping up on Sam and Sam picked him up. "hey Warren" Sam said to the little boy who must be our son. I smiled my little boy looks so much like his dad. Sam gave me a I-Love-You kiss and I happily kissed him back "ewww" Warren said covering his eyes making us laugh.

End of dream:

               I woke up with a smile on my face and snuggled into Sam's chest wishing I could wake up like this every morning. I felt Nina under the covers near our feet silly hand went to my stomach thinking of the dream I had now I'm the one being silly. I hugged onto Sam and I felt him hug me back I looked up and he was still asleep. Is it even possible to fall even more in love with someone? It sure seems like it with moments like this. I looked out his window and it was still raining outside. I wonder if it was rained all night long. I could feel Sam move I stayed still hoping I didn't wake him.

              "Morning beautiful" Sam said kissing my head I looked up at him smiling and he kissed me holding me close as if that even possible.I let my head fall to his chest once more "I don't want to get up" I told him closing my eyes. He chuckled then said "me too lets just stay this way forever". I kissed his chest then said "yea that be nice". "so we do have to get up?" he asked and I nodded "I call bathroom first" I said acting like a little kid. Getting up grabbing my bag that Jake left and ran to the bathroom. Yea and I'm gonna be a mom one day the poor kid.

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