Part 11

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                    I was so done with this. Next time I stay home in my worm bed sleeping. I'm not a nice person when I'm sleepy...not at all. Edward laughed at me as Emmet fought Jasper "watch it vampire boy" I snapped at him glaring at him "Stop making her mad Ed" Rose said and I smiled my thanks to her. I felt Sam get tense so I kissed his head and nuzzled him to clam down. "oh gag me" Bella said looking at us "Bella that's enough" Edward told her as Leah snarled at her."Don't temped me Bella" Rose told her with death in her eyes. "I think that's good for tonight" Jasper said and every one nodded.

                   We walked away from them after saying bye to them. Once the pack phased back I felt two worm arms around my waist. "hey Sam" I told him sleepily. He picked me up and walked home I think. Idk cause I fell asleep the moment he picked me up. Once I woke up though I was in my room. I got up and went to take a shower. I walked into the living room. Seeing Embry and Jake sleeping on the floor made mr smile.

                  I saw dad getting ready to go somewhere. "fishing?" I asked him. "no Sue Leah's mom is making me go food shopping with her for the boys" he said and I nodded at him and walked into the living room shacking my head at them and walked out the door. I saw Bella's truck outside the house with her siting in it. I rolled my eyes and walked past her to hang out with Leah and Seth today. Bella got out her truck once she saw me "Jacob's sleeping Bella" I told her cooly. "I came to see you" she said coldly "Look Bella I have plans right now so maybe an other time" I said. She just looked at me "Fine I'll go with you". Be nice Annila be nice I toke a deep breath and shrugged my shoulders. We walked over to the beach where Seth and Leah were. I said hi and told Bella who they where. "Thank for the fighting for me thing I don't know why but vampires love me" she laughed but we didn't. "We're fighting for Annali not you" Leah said as nicely as she could.

              Bella glared at me and said "she's just some whore no one wants her. They all want and love me. She's not even cute let alone normal looking! She's a big girl you don't have to lie to me when she's here".I just looked at her speechless. Leah began to shack really bad and Bella just had to add "oh and I forgot you don't have to lie to her about Sam loving her he wants me and his using her to get to me witch isn't working I might add" the she looked at me with fake sadness. "That's why I wanted you to not be with him cause once he see that he can never have me he'll be done with you and you'll come crying to me" Bella added. I really cannot believe she said that. By this time Seth was shacking worse then Leah...not good I backed up pulling Bella with me and they both turned into wolves. They where going to attack her. Jacob showed up and gave them orders to go into the wood and clam down.

                "What is wrong with you!" Jake snapped "That's what I've been trying to figure out " Bella said. I felt two shacking hands on my waist. I knew who it was so I turned around and hugged him. "no Bella what's wrong with you?!" Jacob said. "We're having a bonfire tonight so dress nice" Jacob told me and I gave him a muck glare.


              I was talking to Leah and Sue about well girl stuff like clothes they guys and all that. When every one began to sing happy birthday with dad and Sam coming my way with a cake. I was so shocked by this. "don't tell me you forgot your own birthday sis" Jacob said and I blushed and nodded as everyone laughed. Dad held out the cake and told me to make a wish: I wish that everyone comes out of the fight alive and safe. Every one clapped as I made my wish. Dad with the help of Sue passed out the cake as Sam toke Sue's spot next to me. Leah handed me bag that must have been next to her. I smiled at her and dug into the bag there was a Britt Nicole CD: GOLD with a box of nail polish in tribal colors and a Wolf stuffed animal. I hugged her saying "thank you so much I love it"

              Embry gave me the box set dvd of Heartland sesons 1-5, with the Christmas one as well. Quil got me the first two Perfect Chemistry Series books. Paul got me the new Ipod touch with an Itunes card. I gave him a big, big hug. Dad and Sue got me a book about our tribe's stories and Seth gave got me the new Toby Mac DC: EYE ON IT with a box of white chocolate. I attacked him in a hug. I love white chocolate! so much. "thank you thank you thank you!" I told him but soon after that Sam pulled me off of him as everyone laughed. Jacob gave me a picture frame with a picture of me and him when we were little and a gold locket with a picture of him and dad on one side with Sam on the other side. The locket had a paw print on the front. I hugged him and didn't want to let go. That gift meant the world to me.

                 Jared came up to me with a bag and a big smile on his face. I looked inside and saw 4 Dog The Bounty Hunter dvds and a T-shirt that said Alpha girl of my pack with claw marks going though the words. "Thanks Jared. I love it but I don't think Sam will like the dvds. So in love with Leland Chapmen" I whispered to him and said out loud "Just kidding Sam love you". Once more we all laughed Sam said "come with me" into my ear and I followed him to the beach not saying a thing. Then there sitting on the beach was a PITBULL...I LOVE PITBULLS. It had Black/ Ten fur with one Blue eye and one brown-ish yellow and...aww the poor baby only had three legs.

                 "She was used as bait in dog fight. She's a sweet dog. Her names Nina...they where about to put her down at the pound when I went with your dad to find a dog for you you like her?" he said. tears where going down my face that poor baby " I love her thank you" I hugged him and walked over to her slowly and she licked my face making me giggle at her and scratch under her chin, witch she seemed to like. She had a ribbed with a ring around her neck with her collar. "It's a promise ring I know it's corny but I though you might like it" Sam said and I slipped the ring on. It was a simple gold ring with a pick heart gem with wings on the sides of the gem. I couldn't help but cry. These was the best birthday ever! "I love it" I told him still looking at it.

The day I found out I was  a BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя