"Don't leave," he whispered, sleepily.

"I won't," Kokichi cuddled up closer and drifted back off to sleep.

Shuichi was dreaming, running after Kokichi who was being dragged from a clamp around his neck. "No!" Shuichi screamed. He kept screaming no until he woke up in a cold sweat.

"Are you okay?" Kokichi looked up, eyes widened.

"Yeah, why?" Shuichi asked, reaching for Kokichi's hand.

"You were whispering 'no' a lot," Kokichi concernedly said and Shuichi pressed Kokichi's hand to his lips.

"It was...nothing," Shuichi ruffled Kokichi's hair, noticing Korekiyo and Chihiro still fast asleep in their beds.

"You know I can tell when you're lying, right?" Kokichi looked away, tears starting to form.

"No, don't cry." Shuichi sat up and Kokichi sat across from him, "I had a bad dream about you being dragged away from me," Droplets of salty water began to drip from Shuichi's cheeks. Kokichi wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead.

"That will never happen, my beloved. Never." Kokichi whispered, still strong in his tone.

"I love you, Kokichi." They hugged.

"I love you, Shuichi." Kokichi pressed his face into Shuichi's chest.

"Love, such beauty. You both care for the other so much," Korekiyo placed a hand on his face with a slow laugh.

"It's probably around breakfast. Should we head down?" Shuichi asked. Everyone nodded and the 4 made their way to the dining hall. Once in the dining hall, Chihiro kept sneaking glances at Mondo and Taka.

"I wonder what that's about?" Kokichi spoke at a volume where only he and Shuichi could hear his words.

"I'm not sure," Shuichi shook his head and speared a sausage on his fork. Suddenly it got a lot quieter since everyone's attention was on Peko and Fuyuhiko, who entered holding hands. The entire sixth year class applauded. They both blushed and went their separate ways to their respective tables.

"Finally another ship has sailed!" Mahiru cheered. "Too bad the one I want the most can't," she said to herself, staring longingly at Hiyoko.

"Good morning, Angie. Would you like to play blackjack?" Celeste asked like she did everyday, shuffling her cards.

"Sure," Angie agreed for once.

"Alright," Celeste drew four cards and gave two to Angie, keeping two for herself. "How much would you like to bet?"

"Fifty dollars," Angie announced proudly.

"I'll match that,' Celeste looked at her cards. She had 18.

"Hit me," Angie said and Celeste selected another card to give to her.

"I'll stand," Celeste kept a blank face.

"I will too," they both dropped their cards showing Angie had won.

"Goddammit!" Celeste slammed on the table.

"It's ok, pray to Atua that you win next time," Celeste left, infuriated.
"Hello Gonta!" Taka exclaimed, looking up at Gonta.

"Gonta asks if you can follow him," Taka nodded at Gonta's question. He got to a door and shoved Taka into the room, locking it.

"Hey bro," Mondo said as Taka was shut in.

"What are we doing here?" Taka asked.


"Hey guys," Chihiro's voice came out of the speaker in the room and the two jumped.

"What the hell?" Mondo tripped over a chair.

"I'm watching this room, it's locked. You guys aren't allowed to leave until you kiss.

"But I'm not gay!" Mondo exclaimed.

"You aren't?" Taka asked shakily under his breath. "Well I assume we'll be stuck here for a while." An hour had passed and nothing.

"Shit, I give up." Mondo crossed the room and swept Taka into a kiss. Taka quickly melted into the kiss. They broke after a minute and Chihiro came to unlock the door.

"Took you guys long enough," Chihiro smiled, happily.

"I'm still not gay. I did that out of necessity." Mondo claimed. Taka's eyes flooded with tears and immediately ran, wondering if that kiss meant nothing to Mondo. Chihiro quickly followed. "What was that about?"

"You thick male," Tenko walked out of the shadows.

"Tenko? Where'd you come from?" Mondo asked, cracking his neck.

"Chihiro asked me to stand guard in case one of you escaped."

"Oh..." Mondo trailed off.

"Can't you tell that Taka likes you?" Tenko sighed, sitting down on the ground.

"He does?"

"Oh you stupid degenerate."

"I didn't think he was gay."

"He is."

"I...." Mondo trailed off again.

"You like him, don't you?" Tenko asked.

"Y-yeah," Mondo blushed and tried to hide it with his robe.

"Then go get him," Tenko gestured at him to go away.

"You're right!" Mondo ran in the direction. He finally found Taka, crying in the boys bathroom.

"What do you want?" Taka hissed.

"I'm sorry," Mondo looked at Taka in the eyes.

"Is that out of a necessity too?" Taka spat.

"It's out of a necessity to make myself feel better," Mondo explained.

"Ok, now you feel better. Now go away."

"No there's one more thing I need to do." Mondo took a step forward.

"Wha-" Taka's word was cut short as Mondo pulled him into a passionate kiss, his hands migrating down to Taka's waist. Taka cupped Mondo's left cheek and rested his other hand on Mondo's shoulder.

"I really like you, Kiyotaka. I've liked you since first year," Mondo said.

"It's the same for me," Taka smiled, their foreheads touching.

"As much as I don't want to break this up, I'm worn out. I'm gonna head back to my dorm. Before I go-" Mondo kissed Taka's forehead.

"Goodnight, Mondo." Taka smiled to himself and went back to the Hufflepuff dorms.

"Hey, Taco." Makoto looked up at Taka. "What happened?" Taka explained what happened to Makoto, the biggest grin plastered on his face.

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