8.) You'll Be Safe With Me

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Y/N's P.O.V
Alfred looked down for a second and then all of a sudden...he took my hands and looked me deeply in the eyes. "Yeah...you are." My eyes widened as my tears of sadness turned into tears of happiness. Alfred gave me a warm smile and kissed me slow and passionately. I was a little taken back by it but quickly melted into it. We broke away from the kiss and there was a long silence. "Well uh...A-Alfred it's getting kinda late, maybe you should go" I said braking the uncomfortable silence. "Heh...uh yeah I need to get back to work anyway..." Alfred replied. Alfred let go of my hands and walked over to get his coat. Just as he was about to walk out the door I ran up behind him and gave him a quick hug. "Cya Y/N." "Bye Alfred. I released from the hug and let him walk out the door.

Alfred's P.O.V
I was little shook by what Y/N had asked but started to really think about it. I looked down and then grabbed Y/N's warm soft gentle hands and looked her deep in the eyes. "Yeah...you are" I said as a big beautiful smile creeped on her face. I didn't wanna just stand there so I took a deep breath in and kissed Y/N slow and passionately. We broke the kiss and there was an awkward silence in the air. "Well uh...A-Alfred it's getting kinda late, maybe you should go" Y/N said breaking the silence. I chuckled and replied "Heh...uh yeah I need to get back to work anyway." I let go of Y/N's hands and walked over to get my coat. Just as I was about to walk out the door though I felt someone hug me from behind. I knew it was Y/N so I said "Cya Y/N" and she replied with "Bye Alfred." Y/N let go as I walked back home thinking of my future with Y/N...our life together.

Y/N's P.O.V
As soon as Alfred left I felt so warm and fuzzy for some reason. "Why does he make me feel so good all the time??" I thought out loud hugging myself with a huge smile on my face.

~Time Skip~
Y/N's P.O.V
I sat on the couch kinda just watching a movie, chillin out and drinkin some F/D (fav drink) I picked up my phone as it read 7:38 "*yawn* I guess I am getting a little tired..." I mumbled to myself. I went to the batthroom and just changed into my F/C panties and a big oversized F/C t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. As I walked out of the bathroom I noticed my body mirror on the the back of the bathroom door. I stared at myself for a few seconds and smiled. I grabbed a towl in my dresser and put the folded towel under my shirt to make it seem as if I were pregnant. "*sighs longingly* I wish I could have a kid of my own some day." Y/N always wanted a kid of her own but never could because her boyfriends/girlfriend kept dumping her or cheating on her but she still managed to stay positive. Once I was done dreaming about being pregnant I put the towl away and turned of the lights and put my head on a soft comfy pillow. I then started hearing something outside rustling around. I thought nothing of it because it was probably just a raccoon or something. I was half way asleep when I opened my eyes.

And then I was knocked out and hit in the head by something hard...

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