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Cameron woke up to the sun rising and the moon falling. She turned her head around to feel something grab her and snuggle up against her neck.
"Um excuse me?" Cameron blurted out.
"Please.... Stay....." Zion softly asked.
"I'm sorry but I'd we are going to get to Sitrias City then we have to keep moving." Cameron answered.
She then felt something wet staining the back of her T-shirt where Zion's head was, proceeded by hiccuping and.... Sobbing?
"I don't want... You to leave me...." Zion sobbed.
"Zion.. I won't leave you or Stacey..... You two are the only people I can trust..." Cameron reassured Zion.
"O-ok-kay..." Zion managed to stutter out.
Zion let go of Cameron and Cameron got up, giving Zion her hand so he can get up as well. They then woke Stacey up and started moving again.

~3 days later~

Zion was speaking with Stacey as Cameron was rummaging through the alien battle machine she named Xia.
"Um Stacey... Can I tell you a secret..?" Zion asked.
"Yeah of course!" Stacey told Zion.
"Well... I.. I like Cameron..." Zion stuttered.
"YeAAASSS I knew that the ship would eventually sail!" Stacey started.
"Okay, what you need to do is become really close with her, that improves your chances. If she starts blushing around you, then you tell her that you like her. 100% guaranteed to work." Stacey continued.
Little did they know that Cameron was listening. Zion went up to Cameron.
"Hey, Cammy need any help?"
"Yeah, I do actually. Can you press this button when I get inside?" Cameron asked while pointing at a button.
"Oh ok." Zion said.
Cameron got inside and Zion did as he was told. The floating ball disappeared, leaving a pile of the stuff she took from that one gas station. Zion started freaking out.
"Wh-ere did she go???" He stuttered.
"I'm right here doofus." Cameron giggled from up a tree.
Zion gave a sigh of relief. Cameron got down and searched for the food she got. She gave a piece of bread to everyone. After they ate some food, they continued through the fields.

359 words.

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