Chapter Four

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After Toms arrival, him and Sonny were non stop arguing for their Father's safety, deciding who should be at the hospital to protect him. At this point Michael had to put an end on this and announced that he would go to the hospital. His siblings were worried about him and told him about the scenarios that could happen to him at the hospital. But that was least of Michael's worry. His main concern was getting his father to safety.
Michael was going to the hospital to visit his dad and see if he's well protected as he should be.

"Be careful Mikey. Those guys are rats out there." Sonny patted his shoulder.

Michael nodded but didn't care to listen. He was too nervous going out there knowing that his father was in danger.

Later that evening Michael got a call from Kay, asking him if everything was under control and how his father was. "He'll be Okay." Michael assured her...or himself. "Do you want me to come over to the hospital with you to visit your father." She asked sounding worried yet tired at the same time.

Michael chuckled at hearing the motherly tone from Kay. "No. No, it's fine. I don't want you to be dragged into this mess and certainly not the tabloids." He stated making it clear he didn't want to see Kay tonight. His father safety was his main focus right now.

"Alright when will I see you." She asked.

"How about later tonight. We'll go over it through some drinks and dinner in your hotel. I'll explain the rest later." He answered.

"Alright." She said. "Anything else?" She asked.

"No Just be ready by then." Michael said.

"Of course. Aren't I always?" She joked trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Right I should have known by now." He chuckled.

The call was coming to an end. Both were waiting to hear who would say goodbye first. "I love you." Kay Said. Michael looked behind him to see the table full of men looking at him back. A minute has passed and Michael did not have the guts to say it back. Too embarrassed to say it back in front of these men, he quietly said back, "Not now, Later." Then he hung up.

After his date with Kay, Michael was on his way to visit his father from the hospital. He didn't necessarily tell his brother Sonny where he was going before that since he had a date with Kay that night. He got the message earlier that Luca Brasi was found dead. On his way there he thought about Kay, He felt guilty for not telling her the whole truth. That it was only an accident. He didn't want his father to be in the hospital. He didn't want Kay to be involved in his family crimes.

When he finally arrived at the hospital he saw that the building was completely deserted. No bodyguards or nothing. He was a little aggravated to find the whole building empty. Not even a single nurse was in sight. What the hell? After minutes of searching for his fathers room through the dimly lit hallways he finally found the right room number.

He slowly opened the door to see his father lying unconscious on the bed. Next to him was someone he'd never expected to see. Elena. She was sitting next to his fathers bed. She turned her head and looked at him.

"Oh good you're here." She said. She quickly stood up and busied herself by dusting off her skirt. She wore a brown plaid skirt with a velvet turtleneck tucked under. Her curves were hidden under the black trench coat she was wearing. She had a pair of black one-inch heels but Michael still stood a few inches taller than her. Her face wasn't too touched up with beauty products other than a slight blush and a tint of pink to her lips. Maybe didn't have any makeup at. It was hard to decipher. Her hair was pulled back into a bun. She looked good.

La Donna | Michael Corleone x OcTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon