Chapter Six

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After a year of hiding in Sicily, Michael was finally on his way back home. Throughout the plane ride Michael thinks about all the things that have happened and takes into full consideration that perhaps he would be involved in the family business. After the news of his Brother's death Michael secluded himself in his room. He needed time and space to grieve. First his Father's massacre and now his brothers death. Michael had to come back home and regulate whatever was happening with the families.

During his time in Italy he met a young woman by the name of Apollonia Vitelli. She was a pretty young thing who any boy would have a crush on. At first Michael was against these thoughts but eventually decided why not? His family always wanted him to marry a pure Sicilian woman. So when Michael spotted Apollonia walking with a group of women he figured she'd be the one. To Michael eyes she would be a perfect wife. Yet a constant thought kept bugging him in the back of his mind in the near future of their relationship.

After courting the woman Michael decided to have them live together. He liked Apollonia. She was a simple girl who was curious about life and never asked too many questions. Yet a pestering thought bugged him. During one of their intimate moments when Apollonia was overlooking the balcony with her back towards him and her brown hair hung loose he was immediately taken back by thought of Elena standing there instead. Michael shook his head cleared his thoughts.

Another episode of flashbacks would happen again only this time Michael and Apollonia were kissing under the bright moonlight near a large field away from the villages. While kissing her Elena came into his mind. He imagined Elena's soft lips against his, the smell of chocolate and lavender surrounding his nose making him sigh in content. His hands rubbed along the curves of her body feeling the sequence pattern of her dress. Her small delicate fingers roam his hair causing Michael to deepen the kiss. The sound of her moan brought him back to reality when he realized it didn't sound like her at all. He opened his eyes and pulled back. Both of them tried to catch their breaths. Apollonia looked up at him and gave him a shy smile. He tried to return the same feeling but his thoughts were scattered. Why was he thinking about her.

He never saw her much after Connie's wedding so why were all of his thoughts consumed with her?

His relationship with Apollonia was never the same after the kiss. Often giving her small pecks on the cheek and not giving his full attention to her, afraid that his thoughts would go back to her.

Then after his brothers death he became more distant. Staying in his room for days or waking up early to take walks alone without her. Apollonia tried to gain back whatever they had left from the beginning of their relationship but it was useless when he was stubborn. Eventually she gave up and thought to herself there is no point in trying.

Before he left for America, Michael decided to end his relationship with Apollonia. She was devastated and angry, she threw any object that was close within her reach. Michael tried calming her down but it was no use. So he took the jabs from her fingers, and let her call him obscene words. She eventually let it go and cried. He comforted her until her tears dried. She left without saying anything. Her belongings were still in the small house they shared, Michael knew she'll come back for them.

So he left with his belongings and bought a last minute plane ticket to America. He felt bad for leaving without telling her but he knew it wasn't going to last for that long. She deserves better anyway. A boy who could properly take her out on dates and actually love her. He didn't feel any love for Apollonia, and that's what she needed.

"Sir, we're almost there" one of the flight attendants whispered next to him. Michael nodded and looked out the window to see the New York Skyline beneath him.

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