Chapter Ten

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What more could the man describe about the woman sitting right in front of him? He could think of many plausible terms to define the woman that accentuates her beauty, yet his brain can't come up with any other words.

There she sat looking calm and elegant. Wearing a maroon dress with a brown cardigan over her shoulders. Her smile widens each time Tom or Fredo mention a funny story about their childhood days. Every time she laughed or giggled she would cover her mouth with her hand whilst her eyes squinted and her nose wrinkled.

She was strikingly pretty.

"Speaking of boys, Elena have you found anybody yet?"

Elena chewed the rest of her remaining food and looked up at Carmela. The whole table grew silent waiting to hear for her response. After minutes of agonizing silence she managed to swallow her food.

"Well at the moment-"

"Aren't you dating that blue-eyed blonde? 

Of course Fredo had to bring that up. Michael sighed internally wishing he never told him in the first place. But his older brother is so persistent he insists he knows everything. He quietly picks up his napkin watching the interaction.

Elena furrowed her eyebrows a bit looking at Fredo, confused.

"I mean I've seen you around town with him so I figured..."

Not sure how to end the sentence, Fredo looks away knowing he just exposed something he shouldn't have.

"Oh well yes I was in a relationship but it was very short-lived." She shrugged looking back at Mrs. Corleone. "We've had our differences."

Carmela nod's understandably. She knows how hard it is to find the one at such a young age. Especially when people older than you assume you know nothing.

"Some men don't value their time with their loved one," She glances at her younger son. "and some are eternally grateful that they'll do anything to keep them with you."


Somehow the room was filled with kids laughter. Three young boys sat on the right side of the dining room table from their father. The chair to the left of Tom was empty.

Vito looked around the table spotting another empty chair across from the three brothers.

"Where's your brother?" Vito looked at the three young boys who shrugged back in response. He huffed knowing dinner was ending soon and their guests would leave.

Unknowingly the two missing people would be in the room next to them.

"Michael I have to pee!"


The young 13 year old boy carefully opened the wooden cabinet to see if anyone heard them. Light managed to get through the gap but it quickly went away when he closed it.

"Please Michael! I feel like I'm about to pee my pants."

Michael eyes soften when he looked at the eight year old sitting in front of him. Her chin rests above her knees in a hurdle position. After a minute he sighs feeling guilty.

"Fine but don't make a sound." He gestured with his finger to keep quiet and took her hand.

Opening the door slowly he poked his head out first and look both ways in the kitchen before confirming coast was clear. He swiftly gets out first with Elena following behind.

They exit the kitchen and quietly tip toe around the living room trying not to make as much noise. Laughter can be heard in the room next to them

Reaching to their destination Michael's hand lands on the door knob. The trip to the bathroom was easier than he thought. Almost too easy.

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