Chapter Five

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Weeks after the incident Elena tried to preoccupy herself in her daily chores helping around her Aunt and Uncle's tiny apartment. Recently they've been working a lot and Elena has been taking care of little Alejandro. She didn't mind it though. It was a good distraction after what happened.

She hasn't had any contact with the Corleone Family. Though she tried to keep in touch with at least one member of the family. She spoke to Tom a few weeks ago asking for Vito's update. After not receiving much, days later Elena tried not thinking about it.

That was until one night when Elena was walking home after her daily grocery shopping, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. She stopped by one of the local newspapers stands and picked up a paper.

Syndicate Big Shot Vito Corleone Returns Home


After news was let out a majority of the Corleone family gathered around the Long Beach house to go see him. Fredo, Tom, and Sonny were all there too. Including the Costíanos.

Elena watched as the whole family greeted the old man. After the big reunion they left to go give him some space . Elena stayed in the living room occasionally greeting some of the family members. She noticed Michael was missing but tried not to pry in finding him.

Suddenly the doors to Vito Corleone's room were opened by Tom Hagen.

"He wants to see you."

Elena walked in and the first thing she noticed was the man who has been more like a father to her lying in bed with get well cards all over his chest. Though he was still in critical condition he still managed to look optimistic while seeing her. Elena walked closer to his bed and looked down.

Vito put one hand out gesturing for Elena to take. She lightly grasped his hand and saw his lips trying to move. She leaned down closer to get better hearing.

"Thank you." He whispered barley able to get the words out.

Elena lightly squeezed his hand and nodded. "You don't have to thank me Apa." He looked weak and helpless. Elena wanted to burst in tears but managed to stay put together for him. Vito smiled with bliss seeing her standing there made his heart swell. He loved Elena dearly like a father loves his daughter, and hearing the word 'Apa' come out of her mouth made him happy.

After the heartfelt moment Elena walked out of the room and spotted Tom Hagen by the window overlooking the compound entrance.
She walked over and Tom noticed her figure approaching.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She said standing next to him.

Tom smiled slightly looking down at the young brunette. Tom always got along with Elena. He preferred to be in her presence rather than Connie.

"You caught me at a bad time Lena." He joked using her nickname he used when they were kids.

"When is it not?" She raised one eyebrow.

Tom chuckled and shook his head. "You're right I'm always out of it these days."

She gently pats his chest pretending to dust off any any dirt from his light blue suit. "Nothing wrong with that. Your job keeps you busy." She shrugged.

Tom nodded and said nothing back. It was silent for a moment. Elena looked up at Tom and he can see the knowing look in her eyes but unfortunately it was something he could not tell her, hell he couldn't even tell Kay Adams when she came unannounced to their driveway but her look persisted.

"Elena." Tom sighed

"Please Tom." She begged slightly clutching his suit like she always did whenever she wanted something. Tom always had a soft spot for Elena just like his father Vito. Unlike Connie, Elena always managed to get the boys on her side.

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