Chapter Nine

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Elena vigorously wipes the left over stained greased pans in the sink. She wipes her forehead with her backhand avoiding getting wet. The bakery was busy as usual. With orders on demand and staff being so little, Elena was scurrying from the kitchen to the counter taking orders left and right.

She was thankful for the pace because it helps her forget from her distractive thoughts. She's a daydreamer, and if she's left with nothing to do, she'll go into her fake little world and pretend she's somewhere else.

The sound of giggling caught Elena's attention. She looks to see Dínora and Gabriella standing by the foyer whispering and giving each other sly glances.

"He's so dreamy and handsome! A man like him can't be single!"

"He's not." Gabriella whispered.

"He's not? What do you mean?"

"I saw him last week in town with another woman." She said.


"I don't know. But I have a feeling it's not his girlfriend."

Elena shakes her head hearing the two girls gossip. Elena's learned those two have nothing to do but talk. There was always something new in the air. It's as if they can smell the pot stirring within miles away waiting for the tea to spill. 

"Well he is a womanizer. Remember in highschool he'd give us looks while he was next to his girlfriend? The nerve of him." Dínora exaggeratedly whispers "Oh but his eyes, Gabbie. He looked so cute and adorable with those big brown eyes." She breathed a sigh.

Elena eyes widen almost suppressing a laugh.

"Yes I know. Which makes me wonder who his lady friend is now and I need to figure out who." Gabriella stammers.

"Well how are you going to do that?" Her friend asks.

"I don't know but something tells me I will find out soon" she says sounding sure.

The overhead bell from the entrance door goes off alarming them a customer has entered. Elena turns the faucet off and wipes her wet hands on her apron.

"Hi, Welcome to Bambi's bakery. Anything I can help you with?" Without looking up Elena greets the customer while getting the register prepared.

"Yes please."

With a velvety tone, and a deep baritone voice, Elena looks up to see a pair of blue eyes. His looks match the way he spoke. Tall and brunette, the man held a confident attitude. But Elena noticed the heavy accent, one she grew accustomed to at home with her family.

"Of course! What can I help you with today?"

"Erm," The man looked around confused. His lips press into a thin line seeming overwhelmed with a simple question.

"Cake?" He asked.

Elena eyes soften sensing he was having a hard time processing the question.

"No te preocupes señor, que pastel se lo a freser?"

The handsome man cracked a smile back internally, grateful
hearing the familiar language.

But before he can say another word the sound of crashing pans catch their attention. It sounded awfully more than one pan too.

Dínora pokes her head out from the kitchen and glares at her. "Elena! Come pick this mess up!"

Her glare stops when her eyes land on the man on the other side of the counter. She smirks coming to stand next to Elena. "I'll take it from here." She said without taking her eyes off of him.

La Donna | Michael Corleone x OcWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt