Chapter Eight

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The pair walked along the sidewalk taking their time to appreciate their surroundings. For a Sunday morning, the weather was at ease. Not too hot, not too cold, it was perfect. Generally, on weekends Elena would try to catch up on chores or groceries while her uncle was at work. A trip to the park was not on her daily routine, but she was grateful Michael took her, it gave her a break from home.

Michael insisted on walking outside the sidewalk to her left, a courtesy meant to shield her from being hit by passing cars. Her little cousin skipped in front of them with spirits full of optimism. She noticed that Michael would occasionally glance her way.
Too nervous to look back she kept her head forward and stayed silent.

After a few minutes of silence and their shoes being the only noise, Michael was the first one to speak. "Your cousin looks happy." He pointed out.

Elena looked at Alejandro making a "whoosh" noise while doing an impersonation of a plane with his hand. She smiled at the sight.

"Yeah, he does." She chuckled feeling self-confident she finally looked at Michael. He wore a similar outfit as yesterday with his three unbuttoned shirt only this time he's wearing his black suspenders and a black fedora. The longer she looked at him the warmer her body felt. A light blush crept her cheeks. She looked away hoping he wouldn't notice.

"It's so hot out here." She fanned herself blaming her body heat from the weather.

"Are you Alright?" Michael glanced at her. After a few moments she managed to pull herself together and nod.

The walk was silent again. Kids can be heard from a distance. They were almost there. Elena cursed at herself for not saying anything the whole way there.

"Thank you for taking us there. I hope you weren't too busy." She sighed

"I'm never too busy for you." He said in a light voice giving her a warm smile.

"You're such a sap." She rolled her eyes and laughed.

Finally arriving at the park her cousin runs off to the open field where the playground was. Michael looks around and sees all the park benches occupied. After a minute of contemplating he spots an open shaded area near a big tree. "Let's go over here." Without waiting for a response he walks over and extends his hand out to her. Elena follows and
takes his hand and sits next to him. Unlike Michael who sits crisscross-applesauce Elena sits and bends her knees to the side.

The weather wasn't scorching hot like yesterday but it was still pretty warm. She feels the grass prickling her legs as she shifts comfortably.

"I'm sorry. If I would've known sooner I would've brought a blanket." Michael felt a bit embarrassed after seeing Elena move.

"It's fine. I don't mind this at all." She said. She really didn't care. In fact she was taking in the pleasure of being with him. Ever since he left for his trip to Sicily, Elena's thoughts were constantly filled with man sitting next her. His big brown eyes left a long lasting effect on her, and the way he spoke even if he said one word she still had his voice engraved in the back of her mind playing over and over like a record needle stuck on a particular spot of the record on loop over again. It didn't help when she was in relationship either. Her mind was far off to be thinking about Alan at the time. Because she was constantly thinking about Michael, and now seeing him made her heart skip.

While Michael was looking at the view in front of him Elena took the time to admire his side profile. While many often point out his eyes Elena liked seeing his nose. Admitting countless of times how he hates it, she actually liked the unique feature on him. She never openly admitted to liking it but she did find herself staring at his nose a couple of times. She couldn't help it, it was extremely sexy.

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