Chatper Eleven

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Sitting isolated in her room, Kay hands tighten the wooden frame she held for more than an hour. Her vision blurry from her tears yet still she was able to make out the picture of the happy couple staring back at her.

The image itself almost looked like it was mocking her for the constant reminder of what could have been.

In her mind she could see herself in chapel with the love of her life standing right in front her. She could envision herself spending the rest of her life with the man she loved.

But those dreams were abruptly ruined the moment she had an opportunity to see Michael again.

When she arrived at his home he had given her false hope and ended their relationship. Her dreams were shattered.

Kay was able to see his demeanor had changed ever since he came back from his trip. He no longer looked like the sweet, caring man she'd known in college. Instead he'd given her a cold look. His voice was calm without any anger yet there was sense of authority in his tone that made Kay Shiver.

How can a man change in less than a year?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the knocks from her downstairs apartment.

She puts the wooden frame down making sure the picture is facing down on her nightstand. She wipes her tears and looks into vanity mirror trying to smear off any hint of indication she was crying. Red blotches covered her cheeks and she quickly grabs hers cosmetic from her vanity drawer applying the powder on her cheeks.

The knocks increased again.

"I'm coming!" She patted her hair along with her outfit trying to make herself look decent.


"I can't believe him!"

"The nerve of him!"

"You deserve better!"

"His loss!"

Kay sat there listening to her two friends after explaining what happened to her. She was thankful for the company. She would just cry herself to sleep if she had no one to talk to. It was nice to hear the support from them but she still felt heartbroken from what happened earlier.

Kay knew from their time apart something was bound to happen. She feared it would affect their relationship considering she would spend as much time as possible being by Michael's side. She hated being away from him.

"And just to think he can move on so easily with that one girl."


Kay eyebrows furrowed at her friends words, and from their expressions it looked like they weren't supposed to say that.


"What did you say?"

"I just meant that it would be ridiculous if he moved on easily."

"He's already seeing somebody?"

Kay looked at her friend in the eyes for an answer and when she didn't respond she looked away at the floor. She thought long and hard about the time span they've been apart. He was in Italy for most of their time apart. She never got any confirmation when he'd be back. Could he have met someone before? Did he really forget about her? Her lips quivered at just the thought of him being with another woman behind her back.

"How long?" She asked.

She received no response.

"How long, Gabbie!?"

"I don't know! I just saw him with another woman 2 weeks ago."

2 weeks ago? So he was seeing someone before he even broke up with her? Were they together longer before that? She thought back to the night she met Michael. He was charming. Dreamy. Polite. The moment her eyes landed on his brown orbs, she knew she was his. When she wasn't with him she questioned if it was her destiny to be with him. But the minute she saw him all of her thoughts went out the window and she fell harder each time.

She thinks back to what happened earlier today. He no longer looked at her the same way, no. Instead she received the same look given to everybody else around him. That stone cold look she never thought she'd receive.  Her heart hurt.

"I'm sorry, Kay."

Her other friend Dínora put a hand over her shoulder for comfort. Kay couldn't help it anymore. She let herself go and cried.



Elena looks up to the sound of the voice. Her hand holding the key inserted into the lock of the Bakery shop.


"That's what they call me." He chuckled.

Once he was close enough Elena was able to see him better. He sported a long grey coat paired with a fedora hat. She couldn't blame him with the seasons now changing it did feel a bit chilly outside. She shivered.

"How've you been?" He asked. His blue eyes softened noticing her shivering. He unbuttoned the front of his jacket.

"What are yo-"

He took his jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders.  Elena stood there dumbstruck. He ignored her look and stood back to give her space. He could deal with the cold. He has layers underneath.

Elena shook her head. Big brother Tom always so overprotective. It was endearing really.

"Um to answer your question, I'm good." She continues walking putting both hands in the pockets. The jacket still held his warmth.

"How's Your Aunt?"

Elena frowned.

"She's fine." She said curtly. From her peripheral vision she can see Tom studying her face.

"Mmh." He said but didn't say anymore and just left it at that. Sirens blared the streets and an ambulance sped past them.

"Tell me why you came here." Said Elena.

Tom looked back at her, and his voice sounded doubtful and timid in her ears even if the loud sirens overtook their hearing, she can still hear the tone of his voice.

"He wants to see you, El." He said. "Tomorrow afternoon, no later."

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