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9. December 1999
Harry woke up with a start, he had had another nightmare: death eaters would invade their wedding and kill everyone except for him. He sat up in his bed, wiping away the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hands. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand and saw that it was 06.59. One minute until the alarm would go off. He shut the alarm off and looked around him.

The bedroom was empty, Ginny was staying over at Luna's as it was their wedding that day. He threw the duvet off him and walked over to one of the bathrooms of Grimmauld Place. He took a quick shower, put on a t-shirt, sweatpants and socks and raced down to the kitchen.

The morning went by slowly, but surely and at ten o'clock Harry had eaten breakfast, dressed himself in a tuxedo and had attempted and failed at taming his hair. Rom came around nine o'clock and had invited himself to eating half of the food in the fridge and then hastily written a best man speech down on a napkin.

"Are you ready to go, mate?" Harry asked when there was 45 minutes until the wedding started.

"Just a second, mate!" Ron shouted from the kitchen. There came a sharp sound, something had broken on the floor. The sound of a whispered spell chimed through the corridor and the painting of Mrs Black awoke in a start, screaming at the top of her lungs.

Ron ran out of the kitchen with a baguette and a burrito and attempted to shut Mrs Black up.

"Blood traitor! How dare you stay in my home?" screeched Mrs Black at the both of them.

"Muffliato." Harry pointed his wand at the painting and Mrs Black was muted for every other person than herself.

Harry and Ron apparated to Godric's Hollow's church where Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, the priest, Mr and Mrs Weasley were discussing small details about the ceremony. They had already dressed into suits and dresses.

Lily was the one who first noticed Harry and Ron and ran over to her son, engulfing him in a bone-crushing hug and whispered into his ear, "I'm so glad to be here. I'm so proud of you, Harry."

Harry smiled. "I'm glad you're here too."

"Way to exclude us!" chorused the remainder of the Marauders, joining in on the hug.

Almost an hour later, Harry and his mother walked down the aisle hand in hand telling each other dry jokes, "Why did Mozart kill his chicken?" Lily asked Harry.

"Because they didn't sing in tune?" Harry suggested.

Lily suppressed a laugh and said, "No, they kept saying Bach! Bach! Bach!"

Harry started silently laughing and after a couple of jokes later, the mother and son parted and Harry stood by the aisle all alone, waiting for his bride. Before he knew it, the three bridesmaids, Hermione, Luna and Fleur walked down the aisle in lavender lace dresses, holding bouquets of lavender flowers.

Behind the bridesmaids walked Ginny in a white lace gown with a V-cut, her hair was swept back in a neat knot-like bun with a lace veil attached. By her side walked Mr Weasley proudly with shining eyes.

Ginny smiled widely, not just with her mouth, but also with her eyes. Her eyes were smiling like never before.

When Ginny and Mr Weasley reached Harry, Mr Weasley let go of Ginny and gave her to Harry.

The priest waited a minute or two for the people to go silent.

He then spoke, "We are gathered here today to unite Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter in the pact of love."

17. December 2003
Ginny walked back and forth in the bathroom impatiently. On the sink was a white plastic muggle thing she didn't quite understand, but had bought as she didn't have the time nor will to brew the potion.

To The Moon And Backजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें